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Benefits and Uses of Witch Hazel Water

Benefits of Witch Hazel Water

The witch hazel plant has numerous properties if we take it as an infusion and if we apply it directly to the skin. We tell you in EllaHoy.

Witch hazel? Who has heard of this plant? The truth is that it is a very little known plant, or at least, it is not as named as after so many that we usually use frequently. However, it is one of the most widely used plants in natural cosmetics. The properties of witch hazel are many. And its uses are very varied, from the application on the face to close the pores to its use in the case of cuts during shaving. In this article, we want to talk a little about this oriental plant and some of its most common uses so that you too can benefit from its properties.

What is witch hazel ?: Origin of witch hazel

The witch hazel plant, which we can easily find in any herbalism, comes from North America, Japan, and China, where different species are found. In some countries, it is also known as Scottish elm.

Its leaves are of various types and the flowers, with a pleasant fragrance and yellow and orange colors, are produced on leafless stems during winter. It is a very beautiful ornamental plant, but in addition, its bark and plant extract is used with medicinal properties and in certain beauty products. Indian shamans used the witch hazel plant for their ointments and attributed magical properties to it.

Currently, we can find witch hazel in different formats: dry leaves to take as an infusion, witch hazel extract, and witch hazel, the best known for external use, for its numerous properties.

Witch hazel water uses

Witch hazel water is obtained from the decoction of the leaves of the Hamamelis Virginiana species, one of the species that come from the temperate forests of the North American continent. This species of witch hazel is a hazel-like shrub, which the colonizers called “witches’ hazel”, precisely because of the magical consideration that Indian shamans gave to the plant. Witch hazel water has numerous benefits. We tell you all:

Witch hazel water to soothe atopic dermatitis

Apply witch hazel water to the affected area with the help of gauze. In general, it is used to calm any dermatitis, but it is widely used to calm dermatitis that diapers produce in babies.

Witch hazel water for open pores

You can use witch hazel water to close the pores. Mix it with wheat flour to form a smooth paste. Later, when the face is completely clean and very well removed, we will apply to the area where we have open pores, mainly the nose. We let it act until the paste dries and then remove it with warm water. We will do it 3 times a week.

Witch hazel as a facial tonic

You can also use it as a facial toner after your facial cleansing routine. Apply it with a cotton ball or gauze on the face. It will help you remove grease, impurities, and traces of makeup.

Tired legs, leg pain, and poor foot circulation

So that we notice the less tired legs and improve circulation in general, we should scrub with witch hazel. It will decrease pain and swelling.

Witch hazel against dark circles and tired eyes

Witch hazel water is very effective for puffy eyes and diminishes dark circles. Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and put it on the eyes, leaving it to act for 5-10 minutes.

To disinfect shaving cuts: witch hazel

Witch hazel helps contain bleeding as well as disinfect the cut. On the other hand, it will be effective for small cuts typical of shaving, since it is not suitable for any type of cut. In the same way, as in the previous cases, we will apply witch hazel with a cotton ball.

Witch hazel water to relieve hemorrhoids

Applied on the affected area with a cotton ball, it helps to deflate, calm the itching and relieve the pain of hemorrhoids.

For sunburn and insect bites

It also relieves sunburn and insect bites, typical of summer.

How to prepare witch hazel

You find it in cosmetics stores, but if you want to prepare it at home, you can make an infusion of witch hazel leaves, allowing it to cook for 10 minutes and store it in a well-filtered glass bottle when it cools. Store it in the fridge or in a cool place so that it does not lose its properties and last longer.

Benefits of taking witch hazel infused

In addition to the uses of witch hazel water, witch hazel tea also has multiple benefits:

As you have seen in this article, witch hazel has numerous uses, and most of them related to problems derived from blood circulation.

What would be perfect is to make a large amount of witch hazel and keep it in a place in the house so that we can use it frequently without having to do it whenever we need it.

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