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How to Relieve Stress? Natural Remedies to Consider

Relieve Stress

If you are dealing with Stress lately, know that it’s not you, rather it’s the feeling of being under pressure of the society of today. The fast-paced life and unhealthy eating are common causes of Stress.

According to a study by the Daily Life (1),  over 48% of people feel that their stress has increased over the last five years. Though Stress can arise in your work or personal life, there are various ways to reduce Stress. Stress can lead to many other health problems, like anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes, etc. and so it is best to treat Stress as soon as you can.

Table of Contents

Types of Stress

Stress has two main types – Acute and Chronic Stress. Acute Stress is short term stress that people experience in a bad situation. Some examples of acute Stress include the Stress you experience when skiing down a slope or when arguing with someone. Everyone has this Stress at some or the other time and it can go away on its own.

Chronic Stress is long term. When you are in a bad or unhealthy situation for a long time, the Stress you experience is chronic Stress. This type of Stress needs treatment to go away.

How to Relieve Stress and Strain Using Naturopathic Remedies

  1. Alternative Treatments
  2. Foods
  3. Essential Oils
  4. Supplements
  5. Lifestyle Changes

Can Home Remedies Help Reduce Stress?

Stress is a common and recurring problem for most people, and following a healthy lifestyle can help you control your Stress. You might not have full control of any situation, but the way you react to a situation depends on you.

Keeping a calm attitude can help you manage difficult situations better. There are various natural remedies for Stress that you can use effectively.

CURE 1: Alternative Treatments for Stress

Natural remedies have proven cure various health disorders, including Stress. Most of these remedies have their origins in the Greek, Roman, Chinese, and Indian culture. Stress is a part of daily life, but making some small and significant changes to your lifestyle can help to get rid of Stress.

1. Exercise for Stress

Why Use It?

Any kind of exercise can work as a Stress reliever, according to research by Mayo Clinic(1). This is because activity boosts your feel-good endorphins, which helps prevent Stress. Also, exercise can improve your overall physical and mental health. Below are some effective exercises to prevent Stress.

How to use?


This is the basic form of exercise and doesn’t require any special equipment or training. It is recommended to start with normal walking for beginners and gradually start brisk walking.


Aerobics or Zumba are trending workout techniques; they help manage your stress levels. These usually involve a trainer to teach you the basics, but if you know how to dance, a simple dance routine can help to treat Stress, too.

Circuit training:

This exercise is a combination of weight training with cardio. The sweat reduces your Stress hormones and pumps up the endorphins. Curves are one example of circuit training where members are required to switch stations on cue to the music.

How much to use?

A 30-minute moderate workout daily or a 45-minute rigorous workout two to three times a week can help you maintain your health and keep stress away.

2. Yoga for Stress Relief

Why Use It?

Yoga is a combination of exercise and self-awareness, making it a great way to treat Stress. Yoga helps you find a balance between your mind and body. Regular yoga can help reduce chronic Stress since it trains your counter-Stress response called the parasympathetic nervous system.

How to use?

Child pose:

In this pose, sit down on your knees and raise your hands straight up. Slowly exhale and bend forward till your head touches the floor. Keep your arms straight. Hold this pose for five to six seconds then slowly come back up.

Bound angle pose:

Sit down on the floor with your legs bent and both feet touching each other. Now, lock your hands in front of your feet and move your knees up and down like wings. Do this ten times and then relax your body.

Standing forward bend:

Stand straight and bend forward till your forehead touches your knees. After which you should raise your arms above your head and lock your fingers. Stretch your arms as much as possible. Hold this pose for three to four seconds and slowly come back up.

How much to use?

Practising Stress-relieving yoga asanas every morning can help you manage stress throughout the day.

3. Massage


Why Use It?

Massage has several types, and each one focuses on a different part of the body. Massage is a healing technique where the practitioner rubs and kneads the body. When it comes to Stress management, a relaxing massage can help relax your mind. It is recommended to take a massage from a trained massage therapist.

How to use?

Massages are of various types, so you need to choose which one you prefer based on your Stress levels.

Swedish massage:

This is a gentle massage ideal for beginners since it helps relieves tension in the body and relaxes the mind.

Hot stone massage:

If you have muscle pain along with Stress, this is the massage for you. It is a therapeutic massage performed with hot stones placed on various areas on the body.

Aromatherapy massage:

This massage is done with a combination of two to three relaxing essential oils to cure Stress.

How much to use?

A typical massage lasts for about 60-90 minutes, and the frequency of your massage is based on the level of stress you experience.

4. Breathing Techniques

Why Use It?

Breathing exercises have been proven to give instant Stress relief and reduce the tension in your body. These techniques are easy and can be performed anywhere and at any time.

How to use it?

Deep breathing:

This is the most common breathing exercise when you are feeling Stressed. Just take a deep breath and hold it for two seconds. Then exhale slowly. Repeat three to four times to get relief from Stress.

Breath focus:

Close your eyes and take long, deep breaths. Imagine that the air you inhale is filled with peace. Try and feel the air moving through your body. Now let out the air slowly.

Equal inhale and exhale:

Breath through your nose slowly and simultaneously count till five. Hold the sir for a few seconds then exhale to the count of five.

How much to use?

While these breathing techniques can be performed when you are feeling Stressed, it is recommended to practice them two to three times daily.

5. Stress Relief Games

Negative emotions can come at any time, causing Stress. In such cases, it is important to distract yourself to calm your mind. Playing a small Stress relief game can help you relax.

How use?

Bubble wrap:

Popping bubble wrap is a beloved activity for many people. You can also play it virtually by clicking a bubble to burst it. This burst will help expel tension and negative emotions.

Relaxing puzzle:

A meditative puzzle game where you can take your time and relax is a good way to relieve stress. An example is relaxing puzzles, wherein you have to guide the energy by moving rocks around a mystic garden.

How much to use?

Such games can be played when you are feeling Stressed, thus giving you a break from all the tension and helping you relax.

6. Meditation


Why Use It?

Meditation can induce a sense of tranquillity and bring inner peace. According to studies(2), meditation is the fastest way to treat Stress. Meditation is a form of complementary medicine which helps find a balance between your mind and body.

How to use?

Meditation focuses on the elimination of jumbled thoughts that are crowding your mind. The most common type of meditation includes chanting a phrase or mantra to avoid other thoughts.

How much to use?

It is recommended to practice meditation once daily for 10-15 minutes, usually, after you wake up or before you go to bed.

7. Stay Hydrated

Why Use It?

Dehydration increases the Stress hormones in your body, making it difficult to manage Stressful situations. Staying hydrated also helps manage weight and increases the oxygen level in the brain.

How to use?

It is recommended to keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go.

How much to use?

To help reduce stress, one should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily.

Stress can kill your brain cells, while a calm environment can help them grow.

CURE 2: Foods to Reduce Stress

Overeating is common when you experience Stress. And overeating unhealthy foods and snacks can cause harm to your health. So, instead of reaching for unhealthy foods the next time you feel Stressed, think twice before you do so. Instead, pick their healthy counterparts that will fill you up without affecting your health. A healthy and balanced diet is known to keep Stress hormones under control, thus reducing the Stress you experience.

1. Fatty Fish

Why Use It?

Fatty fishes like salmon, sardines, or trout contain omega-3’s, which stimulate cognitive nerves. Such foods contain Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA), which provides two good fatty acids to your body, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

How to use?

Cooked salmon, trout, or sardines can give you the required level of fatty acid.

How much to use?

The recommended dose of fatty fish is two servings per week to maintain the required amount of Omega-3’s in your body.

2. Eggs

Why Use It?

Egg yolks contain Vitamin D and proteins, both of which are essential for growth and development. Eggs also help create serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood and memory.

How to use?

Eggs can be eaten in any form, like boiled, scrambled, or added to an omelette.

How much to use?

One egg for breakfast every day is the recommended dosage.

3. Dark Chocolate


If you are a fan of this bitter-sweet candy, you have another reason for eating a bar of dark chocolate. A research (3) proved that 40 g of dark chocolate could reduce Stress in women. This is because dark chocolate contains polyphenols, a compound that improves blood flow and reduces cell death in the brain.

How to use?

Dark chocolate can be enjoyed in any form, like hot chocolate, chocolate cakes, or as a bar of dark chocolate.

How much to use?

Too much chocolate is bad for the body and affects gum health, even though dark chocolate is healthier than the normal variety. One bar of 40 g per week is the recommended intake.

4. Tea for Stress

Why Use It?

Herbal teas are popular relaxants. They calm your mind and help relax your muscles, which is necessary during a Stressful workday.

How to use?

Peppermint tea:

This is an aromatic tea which contains menthol, a natural muscle relaxant. It has a relaxing effect and does not contain caffeine. Take a cup of this tea instead of your afternoon coffee.

Chamomile tea:

If your Stress is causing insomnia, chamomile tea can help you sleep. Drink a cup of the tea right before you go to bed.

How much to use?

Taking a cup of any herbal tea instead of coffee every day, it will relax you and help treat your Stress.

5. Carrots


Why Use It?

Crunchy vegetables, like celery and carrot, contain Stress-fighting nutrients and are low in calories.

How to use?

You can include boiled carrot in your salad or eat it raw with peanut butter as an evening snack.

How much to use?

One carrot a day is the recommended intake.

6. Avocados

Why Use It?

Avocado contains glutathione, a Stress-fighting nutrient that prevents oxidative damage. It also contains more vitamin E than any other fruit, which is an excellent Stress blocker.

How to use?

You can add Avocado to your toast, bagel, or in your salad.

How much to use?

Taking one serving of Avocado two to three times a week can help your body absorb its benefits.

7. Milk

Why Use It?

Milk is full of Vitamins D and B and proteins, both of which can help improve the growth of healthy cells damaged due to excessive Stress.

How to use?

Drink milk before bedtime to get better sleep.

How much to use?

One glass of cold milk 15 minutes before bed every day is beneficial.

8. Nuts


Why Use It?

Apart from being a healthy snack, nuts also have many benefits. When you are Stressed, the Vitamin B levels in your body get low, and nuts are good sources of this vitamin.

How to use?

Add nuts to your daily salad or have a handful of various nuts as your afternoon snack.

How much to use?

A handful of mixed nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc. every day is recommended.

The right amount of Stress hormone is essential, especially in a flight or fight situation, but too much of it can cause health disorders.

CURE 3: Essential oils for Stress

The uses of aromatherapy in stimulating the nervous system are well-known. Essential oils are the most popular form of aromatherapy used to treat Stress.

1. Ylang-Ylang Oil

Why Use It?

This oil is extracted from the Cananga tree native to Indonesia. Ylang-ylang induces feelings of comfort and joy. It also reduces your heart rate and improves mood. This makes the oil a great remedy for Stress and depression.

How to use?

You can dilute ylang-ylang oil with a carrier oil and apply it topically, or add it to your room diffuser.

How much to use?

Apply it daily before bed, or when you feel Stressed, by mixing a few drops with a carrier oil.

2. Lavender Oil


Why Use It?

This gentle oil is known for its soothing properties. It helps calm your nerves and works as a Stress reliever. Lavender oil impacts the limbic system, the part of your brain that controls emotions.

How to use?

Add some lavender oil to your bathwater for a relaxing bath. The oil can be applied directly on your skin or added to your diffuser. Lavender-scented candles also help induce calm.

How much to use?

Daily add two to three drops of lavender oil to your bathwater.

3. Rose Oil

Why Use It?

The sweet smell of roses can help soothe your senses. Rose oil is derived from rose petals and can effectively help reduce stress.

How to use?

In a small tub of water add four to five drops of rose oil and soak your feet in it to help relax and reduce the stress of the day. Rose oil can also be added to your toner or moisturiser and applied to the skin.

How much to use?

A few drops of rose oil in any form daily can help reduce your Stress levels.

4. Chamomile Oil

Why Use It?

Along with an intoxicating scent, chamomile has properties that help sedate yourself and can also improve your mood. According to research(4), Chamomile oil can be used to treat anxiety disorder.

How to use?

Add some drops of chamomile oil to your bathwater or dilute it with a carrier oil and give yourself a massage. Chamomile tea can also help reduce your Stress.

How much to use?

Add the chamomile oil to your bathwater, do this two to three times a week to feel calm throughout the week.

5. Vetiver Oil

Why Use It?

Vetiver oil is extracted from the Indian Vetiver plant. Though not as popular as the other essential oils, vetiver is a great relaxant. The oil has the same properties as an anti-anxiety drug.

How to use?

You can dilute the oil and massage it onto your skin or add some drops of it in your bathwater.

How much to use?

Using Vetiver oil three to four times a week can help you relax and stay calm.

6. Peppermint Oil

Image: ShutterStock

Why Use It?

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which has a soothing effect on your nerves. The mint in this oil also helps rejuvenate your senses.

How to use?

Inhale the oil directly or add it your room diffuser. The oil can also be diluted with a carrier oil and massaged into your skin. Peppermint tea is another great way to get the benefits of peppermint.

How much to use?

Mixing peppermint oil in your bathwater two to three times a week is recommended.

7. Clary Sage Oil

Why Use It?

Clary sage oil is not the same as the herb used in Thanksgiving. Clary sage oil can relieve tension and control the level of stress hormone. When your stress levels increase, it may lead to anxiety or depression.

How to use?

Inhale the oil directly whenever you feel Stressed. You can also dilute it and massage onto the skin.

How much to use?

Clary sage oil is potent, so use it two to three times a week only.

8. Lemon Balm Oil

Why Use It?

Lemon balm plant has a fresh aroma that can uplift your spirits. In aromatherapy, lemon balm is used for restorative effects. Lemon balm oil can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep.

How to use?

The best way to get the most out of this oil is by inhaling it.

How much to use?

You can inhale lemon balm whenever you feel Stressed.

Stress over the long term can make people numb to Stress. This means that psychologically we may be experiencing Stress, but our body thinks everything is fine because it gets used to it.

CURE 4: Supplements for Stress

If your Stress is caused by a deficiency of essential nutrients in your body, supplements can help you treat it. Though everyone does not require it, supplements can help fight Stress.

1. Magnesium


Why Use It?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the nerves. Magnesium can be obtained from foods like broccoli, spinach, etc. Many people don’t consume the required amount of magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium can increase the level of Stress in your body.

How to use?

Magnesium supplements should be taken after consulting with your doctor.

How much to use?

The recommended dose is 6 mg daily.

2. Vitamin-B Complex

Why Use It?

The B vitamin forms are an essential part of your bodily functions. It includes all the water-soluble vitamins except for Vitamin C, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. A deficiency of these vitamins can decrease metabolism and prevents adequate blood flow to the brain.

How to use?

Vitamin B supplements should be taken every day.

How much to use?

The recommended dose is 50 mg B6 and 1 mg B12.

3. Melatonin

Why Use It?

Melatonin is a hormone which is produced by the brain’s pineal glands. This hormone controls your sleep cycles. Better sleep leads to an improved mood. Hence, a drop in this hormone can cause Stress.

How to use?

Take melatonin supplements before bed to get better sleep.

How much to take?

A starting dose of 3 mg is recommended, but it can be increased if that’s not effective, after consulting with a doctor.

4. Theanine

Why Use It?

Theanine is an amino acid used for treating Stress and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that theanine can effectively reduce the level of Stress in high blood pressure patients.

How to use?

Theanine supplements should always be taken on an empty stomach.

How much to use?

Generally, the recommended dose is 200 mg but check with your doctor before starting these supplements.

5. Valerian Root


Why Use It?

Valerian is a European plant and has been used for centuries in aiding sleep disorders and anxiety. It can also help reduce Stress levels in your body because of its sedative-like effect. With very few side-effects, valerian root can help you treat Stress easily.

How to take?

Take 300 mg of valerian root 30 minutes before you go to bed.

How much to take?

The recommended dose is 300 mg.

6. Vitamin C

Why take?

Vitamin C helps reduce Cristol, the Stress hormone. In Stressful situations, your blood sugar can spike, Vitamin C helps prevent such situations. Taking Vitamin C supplements also has other health benefits, and is a common supplement taken by most people. Dietary sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, etc.

How to use?

You can take a Vitamin C supplement daily with a meal.

How much to take?

The recommended dosage of Vitamin C is 3000 mg.

The best way to handle Stress is by dealing with it at the moment rather than waiting for it to pass and then getting a solution.

CURE 5: Lifestyle Changes

Stress is an unavoidable part of everyday life, but you can prevent severe Stress and the symptoms associated with it by following a healthy routine. Here are some tips to help you manage Stress.

1. Eat Healthily

Your eating habits affect your mood and energy levels. While a handful of candy might be your first choice of a snack, it might not give you the required energy. Instead, try to replace candy with a handful of nuts, which are healthy and known to improve your mood.

2. Take a Full Night’s Rest

Not getting the appropriate amount of sleep can deplete your energy and affect your mood. So, it is essential to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

3. Make Time for Yourself

No matter how many responsibilities you have, taking some time out of your busy schedule for yourself can help you maintain your health. It has a positive effect on you, which helps to reduce Stress.

4. Set Limits

Many times, you might bite off more than you can chew, causing you unnecessary Stress. This is where understanding your limits and how much you can actually get done is helpful. It could be difficult to turn down a task or to not participate in an event, but it will help you reduce Stress.

5. Physical Activity Is Essential

Sitting at your desk all day can dull your emotions and make you irritable. Try to stay as active as you can, such as getting up to get a glass of water when you are thirsty instead of keeping a bottle with you. Staying active can increase the production of endorphins, thus helping to get rid of Stress, according to Anxiety and Depression of America(5).

6. Smoking and Alcohol Cause Stress

Many people turn to smoke or drinking to relieve their Stress, but these things make Stress worse. These things might make you feel good in the long run, but they harm your brain cells, thus increasing the Stress levels.

7. Artwork and Imagery

Enjoying painting or any art has been proven to uplift your mood and reduce Stress. Looking at beautiful imagery or scene can stimulate your feel-good hormones, thus helping reduce Stress instantly.

8. Get Help

If you think you have chronic Stress, try to get professional help to understand what is causing the Stress. Try to avoid unhealthy and Stressful situations as much as you can.

Everyone experiences Stress in a different way, so it is essential to recognise your symptoms and get treated accordingly.

Stress is a part of daily life, while some Stress may be good, such as making you aware of the danger or motivates you to take calculated risks, too much Stress is unhealthy. Home remedies can help you treat Stress, but if your Stress increases, it would be better to get your doctor’s help.


1. What is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative Stress is caused when antioxidants and free radicals behave unnaturally, can cause tissue damage. Though this is a natural process caused by ageing, your lifestyle and diet can contribute to this.

2. How does Stress affect the body?

If left untreated, Stress can cause many other health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, or depression.

3. What’s good for Stress?

Exercise and meditation are the most effective ways to reduce Stress, according to a study.

4. How to calculate Stress?

By definition, Stress is the body’s response to things that require adjustment. The physical symptoms of Stress are a pain in the chest, head, or muscles, because of your muscles tense up when you are Stressed.

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