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Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga Poses for Beginners

With this post, we try to explain the main yoga postures or at least the most common to all types of yoga. The intention is that it serves as a “base” for the rest of the articles in this section so that we have a reference guide when we are assailed by a question about how to perform a posture or its benefits and contraindications.

The yoga posture (asana) is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve, through concentration, both physical and mental well-being. Each posture we perform should be a reason to pay attention to our body, to know how the mind and body react and evolve as we execute the posture.

Along with the photograph of each posture or asana, we detail some considerations to take into account for its correct execution, the benefits that we can obtain from it, which muscle groups are affected and if there is any contraindication to perform it. Likewise, we will try to include the counter-posture (s), understanding by counter-posture that posture in which the muscle groups that we have contracted relax or stretch in the initial posture. It is important to remember that postures should be performed without straining, going step by step and never through the pain.

Basic Yoga Poses: Description, Benefits, Contraindications, and Muscles involved.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose):


Tadasana (Mountain Pose):


Balasana (Child’s pose):


Dwi Pada Pitham (The two-legged table) or a variant of Setu Bandhasana (Half-Bridge Pose):


Bidalasana (Cat Pose) and Marjaryasana (Cow Pose):


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose):


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):


Utkatasana (chair):



Uttanasana (Foot trunk flexion):



Vrikshasana (Tree):



Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle):


Phalakasana (table or plank):


Chaturanga Dandasana:


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