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13 benefits of coconut oil for babies

benefits of coconut oil for baby

We tell you the benefits of coconut oil for your baby and how you can use it. Coconut oil offers many advantages to those who use it. It is very likely that you have heard that it is very useful for your hair and skin in addition to being a super-food, although the latter has few studies that show it.

However, your baby can get a lot out of this wonderful natural balm. Do you want to know what are these benefits of coconut oil for your baby? The first thing you have to know is that it has interesting and recognized antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties that coconut oil has will become your great allies to help your baby.

The main benefits of coconut oil for your baby.

Coconut oil during pregnancy:

As is well known by all, the mother’s diet directly affects the development of the fetus, as well as the subsequent health of the baby and the development of future diseases. Well, Virgin Coconut Oil has medium-chain fatty acids, which provide the future mother with a series of essential nutrients that are capable of protecting the fetus from diseases such as HIV, Helicobacter or Chlamydia.

Several studies carried out in recent years have shown that pregnant women who consume coconut oil on a regular basis multiply lauric acid and capric acid threefold by two, this positively affects the composition of breast milk for up to 3 days and more is reached during the first 10 hours of intake.

How can you consume coconut oil?

  1. In recipes that contain butter or shortening with coconut oil, use 25% less and replace it with coconut oil.
  2. Sauté the vegetables in a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil to vary the flavor.
  3. Add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil to sauces and curries to enhance the flavor.
  4. Use refined coconut oil if you don’t want a very intense coconut flavor.

Coconut oil after pregnancy:

It has been shown that mothers who have taken fatty acids such as Virgin Coconut Oil during pregnancy lose accumulated fat more easily.

When it comes to removing postpartum stretch marks and relieving pain from cracked nipples, this oil exerts extraordinary repairing power.

Coconut oil and cradle cap. How to remove this scab from babies’ heads?

Cradle cap is like a kind of dandruff that newborn babies have during their first few weeks. It appears in lactation, between the first-second and the eighth week of life.

Your baby’s scalp has scales that resemble dandruff. Try gently massaging your head with a few drops of coconut oil. Let the oil work for a few minutes. Then run a very soft bristle brush over its head. Finish by cleaning it with warm water.

As an important fact, you should avoid scratching to reduce the risk of infection

Coconut oil and dermatitis or eczema in babies

The skin becomes very dry and itching appears. Babies’ skin is very sensitive and can be easily dried.

The epidermis or outer layer of the baby’s skin is between 20% and 30% thinner than that of an adult. This thinness on the surface makes it more vulnerable to shock, infection or irritation.

To avoid itching, use coconut oil. It is a good moisturizer for the skin so you can use a few drops to massage it. Try doing it before or after your bath.

If your baby’s lips are parched use coconut oil

You can pass a cotton swab, gauze or your finger impregnated with a few drops of coconut oil. This will prevent cracks from appearing. The skin around the lips should also be moistened with the oil.

Coconut oil is also good for strengthening hair.

Some babies may have dry, frizzy hair. Apply a little coconut oil to your hair when bathing. Another way is to massage the scalp with a massage and wash the hair the next morning.

Diaper rash and the benefits of coconut oil.

Diaper rash is also common in children between 4 and 15 months of age. This is an irritation to the diaper area caused by moisture and heat from urine and feces contacting your skin.

Care must be taken so that it does not become infected and pamper the area with specific products that alleviate the irritation, redness, dryness, and itching that also accompany this problem. This rash appears on the genitals and calves. If your baby is having problems with diaper rash, massage coconut oil into the area after bathing, this will help fight infection and soothe delicate skin.

Other benefits of coconut oil for your baby has to do with insect bites.

The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will reduce swelling and the risk of infection.

Make a few drops of coconut oil in your hands. Rub your hands together to make it warm. Gently massage the sting area. Let the oil work and you will see that within a few hours the redness and swelling have gone down.

You can use it as a natural soap to bathe your baby.

With this, you will not only be clean but you will also not use chemicals that can damage your skin or cause allergies. Mix the same ratio of coconut oil and castor oil. Apply the mixture on your baby’s face and body. Gently massage it and then bathe it in water.

If there are other children at home they can pass lice to the baby. Coconut oil will help control the spread of a new infestation.

Use apple cider vinegar to rinse your baby’s hair. Let it air dry. Once the hair is dry, add coconut oil all over the hair. If your baby is left behind, cover her hair with a shower cap. If not, let the oil work as long as possible. Then use a soft-bristled comb to style and remove lice.

If your baby has an acne outbreak

For having delicate skin, you can treat it with coconut oil. Make a few drops in your hands and rub to make it warm. Apply on your acne and let it act. After a while, if you want, you can wash it off with lukewarm water.

To rub his chest in case of a cold.

Give him a massage to relax. Heat the oil before with the palms of your hands. Mixing coconut oil with peppermint or eucalyptus oil will also help relieve your nasal congestion. You should consult a doctor first.

Oral thrush or thrush.

You can massage yourself with a little oil on the nipple and areola before breastfeeding to relieve discomfort. You can also take a tablespoon of coconut oil to receive the benefits of coconut oil through breast milk. Make sure beforehand that coconut oil is not just for topical use. Another way is to apply a few drops of oil to your mouth. Consult with the doctor before.

Are your baby’s teeth coming out?

You can help him with his discomfort thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Make a few drops of coconut oil on your finger and gently run it over his gums.

You can also wet his pacifier or teething toys with a few drops of coconut oil. Not only will you be disinfecting them, but you will relieve your baby.

Natural toothpaste.

Make sure of his dental and oral hygiene using a few drops of coconut oil as a natural toothpaste.

Learn how to massage your baby with coconut oil, the topical use of coconut oil is very beneficial for the whole family.

As you may have seen, coconut oil is a natural ingredient for baby care.

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