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Health Benefits of Eating Nuts

benefits of eating nuts

Nuts, in addition to being highly nutritious, are good allies to revitalize the body and prevent various diseases. Get to know its properties.

Nuts are increasingly positioned in healthy eating plans. Contrary to the theories that censured them for their high caloric value, science values their multiple benefits by consuming them in moderation. Learn about the benefits of nuts and incorporate them into your diet.

Benefits of nuts: properties

The benefits of these delicious fruits are not only many but they are diverse. That is why it is important to know the differences between the most consumed to know which one is best for you. In general, its most outstanding benefits have to do with the reduction of cardiovascular problems and cholesterol, the strengthening of the bone system and the prevention of cognitive deterioration.

In addition, they have great antioxidant power, thereby protecting them from very different diseases.

Nuts, in addition to being very nutritious, provide a lot of energy. There is nothing better to start a long day of work, study and/or intense physical activity. That is why they are highly recommended for breakfast or for mid-afternoon snacks when tiredness begins to affect our potential. In fact, according to nutritionists, they are great for revitalizing the body.

In addition, although they are seeds with low water content and a high percentage of fats, they are healthy fats (monosaturated and polyunsaturated), which helps to decrease LDL cholesterol levels, which is the so-called bad cholesterol.

Being an important source of vitamins and minerals, they have properties worth knowing:

Nuts and overweight

As we said, nuts always had a bad reputation for being associated with weight gain due to their amount of calories. However, it has been shown that if we only eat a handful a day, not only do they not get fat but they add many benefits.

In addition, they are good for generating satiety due to their high content of healthy fats, helping to reduce intake levels.

Nuts: calories

Among the most caloric nuts, there are some that stand out and that we must regulate if we have weight problems.

We detail how many calories are provided by the different fruits per 100 grams:

What are nuts

When we talk about nuts, we sometimes reduce this entire food group to nuts, almonds, and peanuts. But they are not the only ones. The most popular are:

Nuts: protein

Nuts contain many proteins of plant origin, which help meet the protein needs of the body, especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan. We mention how many proteins each have in a 100-gram serving.

How to consume nuts

Breakfast and snacks are one of the foods that best incorporate nuts. For example:

What do the nuts mix contain?

They are fashionable and you can find them in different types of shops. In general, they contain a mix of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts and addition of black and blond raisins, in addition to red fruit raisins.

The ideal is these mixes that come in packages is that the portion is already “regulated”. When we have a lot, it is easy to be tempted and overeat.

Remember that it is always advisable to consume them in moderation and in the right combination. Ideally, a nutritionist should develop the right plan for each person, but its benefits are many and you can surely add them to your daily intake to enhance your health on different levels.

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