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5 Wondrous Natural Ways for How to Get Rid of Sunspots on Face

Sunspots on Face

Are the brown spots on your face keeping you indoors? Do not know what to do about them? Well, these brown spots on your face are nothing but sunspots. These are harmless but do ruin your look. If you wish to clear them quick, then here are some simple natural cures for how to get rid of sunspots on face. These work magically to give you beautiful and clear skin.

What are sunspots?

Sunspots appear on your skin due to excessive exposure to the harmful ultraviolet sun rays. These have no particular color or shape and are harmless. According to dermatologists, sunspots on face don’t indicate cancer; hence you need not fret about them. But if their appearance is bothersome, then get rid of them by following some simple home remedies.

How to Get Rid of Sunspots on Face Naturally?

You are surrounded by some wondrous things that can efficiently resolve all your skin troubles. Instead of using chemical products try the home remedies for how to get rid of sunspots on face. These are the cheapest and effective ways to fight such skin conditions.



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Papaya is not only a delicious fruit, but it is also extremely beneficial for your skin. If you are looking for how to get rid of sunspots on the face, then try using papaya pulp. You will get visible results.

How to use?


Papaya has an enzyme known as papain which is highly effective in removing dark sunspots(1) from the face. It exfoliates your skin and effectively reduces pigmentation and sunspots.

Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

Nuts and seeds Dill
Blueberries Celery
Watermelon Lime
Carrots Parsley
Green Leafy Vegetables Fennel
Cauliflower Figs

Herbal Treatments

Aloe Vera

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Is the large sunspot on face stressing you out? Try using aloe vera gel and get rid of it quickly. It is one of the best cures for how to get rid of sunspots on face.

How to use?


Aloe vera gel contains natural healing agents that help repair the sun-damaged areas and dark spots on face. It moisturizes your skin and also boosts skin regeneration and gives you a healthy looking skin.


To get effective and quick results, use freshly extracted aloe vera gel. Store-bought gels may not be that effective.

Essential oils

Sandalwood Essential Oil

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Sandalwood Essential Oil is the best treatment for sunspots on the face. It happily combats the damaging effect of the sun rays and gives you beautiful skin.

How to use?


Sandalwood Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-aging properties that make it an excellent solution for how to get rid of sunspots on face. It soothes your skin and has healing properties that help treat the damage caused by sunrays easily.


Like every other essential oil, you must dilute sandalwood essential oil with a carrier oil before applying it on your skin.

Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar

Image: Shutterstock

Treat the sunspots on the face efficiently by using apple cider vinegar. It has potent properties and is one of the most effective remedies for how to get rid of sunspots on face.

How to use?


Apple Cider Vinegar is considered to be an excellent product for various skin troubles due to its potent properties. The acids present in it exfoliate the skin and remove the damaged and pigmented cells. Regular application of it can effectively fade scars, blemishes, and sunspots. You will see a noticeable difference in the visibility of sunspots on the face before and after using this remedy.


Apple Cider Vinegar is acidic. Do not use it on open cuts and wounds.

Natural Treatments

Coconut oil

Image: Shutterstock

Coconut oil is excellent for your skin and is known to treat white sunspots on the face.

How to use?


Coconut oil has re-pigmentation properties that can effectively expel white sunspots on your face. It also nourishes your skin and keeps it moisturized.


Coconut oil may cause allergy to sensitive skin. Hence, do a skin patch test before using it.

Also Read: How to Get Dead Skin Off Lips Using Home Remedies

Bottom Line

Sunspots are not complicated and can be treated effectively with the methods mentioned above. Also, understand that sunspots are a common thing and there is no reason to feel bad or uncomfortable. However, if the spots remain or do not go even after following the remedies, immediately consult a doctor.


1. Can sunspots go away?

Sunspots generally fade away on their own but not completely. However, treatments or natural remedies can effectively reduce them.

2. Can aloe vera heal sun-damaged skin?

Aloe vera plays a vital role in moisturizing and nourishing the skin, which helps in healing the sun-damaged skin.

3. Is coconut oil good for sun-damaged skin?

Coconut oil is useful in cooling and soothing the sunburned skin. The saturated fats in coconut oil are a good source of moisturizing the skin, which helps in repairing the damaged skin.

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