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Natural remedies to strengthen the immune system

boost immune system

Very little is needed to safeguard the health and to have natural remedies at hand to strengthen the immune system: even a healthy and balanced diet, good sleep and a little sport can be essential. Discover the best natural remedies to increase immune defenses, even in children, for the prevention of seasonal diseases.

Seasonal diseases are behind the door and at the end of the summer with the return to school and, above all, the fall here is when the first cold syndromes will appear, for this it will be good to try to increase the immunity defenses of our little ones. , with some natural remedies, always after consulting the pediatrician who will prescribe the correct remedies for each child.

Let’s see what are the main natural remedies that, if taken over a certain period, help to raise immune defenses even in the smallest.

Natural remedies to strengthen the immune system even in children

Some of the best natural remedies that can be administered to children, always under control and pediatric medical advice are:


Perfect for strengthening immune defenses, powerful anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory, also called ‘plant cortisone’.


Against phlegm and infection of the upper airways. Excellent in the form of an infusion.

Canine rose

A powerful aid to immune defenses, perfect for sore throats and coughs.


A trace element with anti-infective and anti-inflammatory power.


A quintessential homeopathic remedy to boost the immune system and prevent seasonal diseases. It is taken in a weekly dose for a certain period.


Rich in vitamin C, it is one of the most suitable remedies to combat and prevent seasonal ailments.


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