Treating and Coping with Endometriosis Naturally
Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological condition wherein bits of endometrial tissue similar to the lining inside of a uterus, grow outside. According to the World Endometriosis Society and the World Endometriosis Research Foundation(1), endometriosis is estimated to affect one in ten women around the world (approximately 176 million women).
While this condition is fairly common in women of reproductive age, women with endometriosis tend to suffer in silence because of the shame and embarrassment tied to it. It is, however, important to remove this cloak of silence because of the debilitating complications associated with it. This article will give you a comprehensive overview of how to treat endometriosis naturally.
- Herbs
- Essential Oils
- Diet
- Supplements
- Alternative Treatments
Table of Contents
Symptoms of endometriosis are often the most ignored and misunderstood. Women who experience severe menstrual pain and bleeding, frequently tend to view them as conditions that they just have to deal with.
Common symptoms of endometriosis may include severe menstrual pain and cramping, pain during ovulation, irregular or heavy bleeding, painful intercourse, pain during urination and bowel movements, etc.
The exact reasons for what causes endometriosis haven’t been gauged fully. Medical experts attribute it to several factors, including high levels of estrogen, genetics, and retrograde blood flow. An autoimmune disease or disorder also has a prominent link to endometriosis. Besides this, surgical scars, low body weight, having your first period at a very young age, shorter menstrual cycles, late pregnancies and the use of alcohol can also compound your risk for endometriosis.
Diagnosing Endometriosis
To determine a diagnosis for endometriosis, the following may be done:
- A pelvic exam.
- Transvaginal ultrasound.
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).
- Laparoscopy.
The doctor may also evaluate your family’s medical history.
Mainstream treatment for endometriosis may include over the counter painkillers, hormone therapy, and conservative surgery. In severe cases, hysterectomy and the removal of ovaries may also be recommended.
None of these treatment options can, however, cure the condition completely; they simply ease symptoms and provide temporary relief at best. There are also various benefits and risks involved with each of these treatment options. Dealing with endometriosis naturally, therefore, is a better option as it is safer and inexpensive.
How to Treat Endometriosis Using Natural Remedies
Natural treatment options for endometriosis are numerous, and an increasing number of people and support groups emphasize its beneficial effects today. Most natural treatments simply require you to embrace significant lifestyle changes in terms of your diet, physical activity, sleep, and exercise. Below is a list of some of the best natural treatments for endometriosis pain relief:
CURE 1: Herbs for Endometriosis
One of the holistic ways to treat endometriosis is the use of herbs. Some of the herbs that can effectively treat and control endometriosis are as follows.
1. Peppermint

Why Is It Effective?
Peppermint has antioxidant properties that can treat a host of symptoms associated with endometriosis(2), particularly cramps, pain, and bloating.
How to Use?
Peppermint can be taken in the form of tea. Drink the tea an hour or thirty minutes after your meal for a few days before and during your periods.
How Much to Use?
To make peppermint tea, you need to take about 20 gms each of dried peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers along with 9 gms of yarrow. Boil the herbs in one quart of water for about ten to fifteen minutes. Once the herbs are infused, turn off the heat, strain, and drink.
2. Turmeric for Endometriosis
Why Is It Effective?
Curcumin, the primary active ingredient in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties that can halt the production of cyclooxygenase two enzymes, which is responsible for releasing pain-producing hormones in the body and can, thereby, helps provide relief from inflammation and pain, two of the worst symptoms of severe endometriosis.
How to Use?
Turmeric latte made by the infusion of turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and honey is a reliable remedy. If you prefer, you could also take curcumin supplements.
How Much to Use?
Take about two cups of almond or coconut milk, and boil it along with one tsp ground organic turmeric, half tsp ground ginger, a pinch of black pepper, and honey to make the turmeric latte. You could also include about one-fourth teaspoon of this spice into your daily diet by sprinkling onto your vegetables, meat, or poultry.
3. Chamomile

Why Is It Effective?
Chamomile(3) is packed with antioxidants that aid in blocking the production of various inflammatory compounds in the body. The herb contains a compound called chrysin that is believed to help with the suppression of endometrial cells.
How to Use?
Chamomile, when taken in the form of tea, can be beneficial for managing symptoms of endometriosis.
How Much to Use?
You can consume one or two cups of chamomile tea whenever you are experiencing symptoms of discomfort associated with endometriosis.
4. Ginger
Why Is It Effective?
Ginger is a great contender for naturally treating endometriosis, primarily because of its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. This herb has warming properties that help to improve blood circulation in the body and reduce inflammation, back pain and bloating.
How to Use?
Ginger can either be included in your daily cooking or mashed and applied topically. The herb can also be used in tea for instantaneous pain relief.
How Much to Use?
You can safely consume up to 4 grams of ginger every day or approximately three to four cups of ginger tea.
CURE 2: Essential Oils for Endometriosis
Essential Oils are another popular option as alternative therapies for endometriosis. When used in the right way, they can alleviate pain and help you relax. Here is a list of some of the essential oils that you could try using if you suffer from severe endometriosis:
1. Lavender Oil

Why Is It Effective?
Lavender Oil has been traditionally known for its muscle relaxing properties and promoting balance in the body. When used topically, it can help you relax and reduce inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis due to the presence of a natural anti-inflammatory compound called beta-caryophyllene.
How to Use?
The oil can be applied topically after checking for any allergic reactions.
How Much to Use?
To treat inflammation and pain, you can combine two to three drops of Lavender oil with one or two teaspoons of coconut oil and massage this into your belly button three times a day.
2. Castor Oil for Endometriosis

Why Is It Effective?
Castor Oil is suggested for endometriosis because it helps to improve lymphatic circulation and combat inflammation. The oil also helps to cleanse reproductive organs, promoting ovarian and uterine health.
How to Use?
Castor Oil packs provide the best remedy for endometriosis pain relief. To make a pack, soak a flannel in castor oil and place it on your lower abdomen, you can then cover this with a plastic cover and place a heating pad over it for best results.
How Much to Use?
As long as you don’t experience any skin reactions to castor oil, the oil packs can be used daily or whenever you experience pain or discomfort.
Also Read: Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil And it’s uses
3. Clove, Cinnamon, Lavender, and Rose Oil
Why Is It Effective?
Clove contains a natural compound called eugenol that is a powerful anesthetic. Cinnamon(4), on the other hand, provides stress relief and stimulates blood circulation. Lavender is a powerful muscle relaxant, and rose is effective in alleviating pain.
How to Use?
It is recommended that the combination of these oils is blended with a carrier oil such as almond or coconut oil when applying topically.
How Much to Use?
The recommended dose is a few drops of each of these essential oils diluted in one tablespoon of almond or coconut oil.
4. Marjoram, Sage, and Lavender Oil
Why Is It Effective?
Marjoram oil has various positive, calming effects. When applied topically or taken internally, it can help relieve stress and reduce aches, muscle, and joint pain. Sage oil again is reputed for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. When used in combination with lavender oil, it can address various symptoms associated with endometriosis.
How to Use?
A combination of these oils should be applied onto the lower belly to soothe pain and inflammation.
How Much to Use?
While there is no specific dosage, these oils can be highly concentrated. Add a few drops of each of these essential oils into a tablespoon of carrier oil to use.
CURE 3: Diet for endometriosis
A controlled diet for endometriosis can aid and manage endometriosis significantly. It is recommended that women who suffer from endometriosis should essentially try these foods to cure endometriosis:
1. Fiber-Rich Foods

Include plenty of legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your diet.
Why Is It Effective?
A high fiber diet helps to lower estrogen levels in the body.
How and How Much to Use?
The recommended intake of foods rich in fiber is at least 30 grams per day.
2. Iron-Rich Foods
Broccoli, beans, nuts and dark leafy greens should be an essential part of your diet as replacing iron lost through excessive bleeding is imperative.
Why Is It Effective?
These foods are great sources of iron and help replace the lost iron content due to bleeding. There are two types of iron available in foods, namely heme iron, and non-heme iron.
How and How Much to Use?
There are many sources of iron-rich foods such as Shellfish, spinach, broccoli, legumes, and quinoa. Most of these can be had as food portions. While there is no prescribed dosage for these, it has been found that a 3.5 ounce or 100 gm serving of all of the above-mentioned foods can provide you with a healthy dose of iron.
3. Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Colorful vegetables and fruits such as oranges, beets, berries, and dark chocolate are loaded with antioxidants.
Why Is It Effective?
These are beneficial because of their anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
How and How Much to Use?
Your daily diet should include 8,000-11,000 antioxidant units. You also need to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day. Processed foods, caffeine, alcohol and trans fats, on the other hand, should be avoided as much as possible. Red meat is another potential trigger for symptoms of endometriosis as it increases estrogen levels in the body and its intake should be limited.
CURE 4: Supplements for Endometriosis
Nutritional deficiencies often tend to aggravate symptoms of endometriosis, and it is, therefore, important to include adequate supplements in your diet. Some of the supplements that are recommended for women with endometriosis include.
1. Fish Oil
Why Is It Effective?
Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids contain DHA and EPA that is found to aid in reducing stomach pain and cramping significantly. The effect of this is compared to be as good as other prescription medicines for pain relief.
Recommended Dosage
A minimum of 18 ounces or one pound of fish is recommended weekly. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and trout are some of the best fish to include in your diet. If you can’t eat fish, you can get its nutritional benefits through supplements. The recommended dosage of fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids is a combined EPA and DHA of 250-500 mg daily.
2. Vitamins for Endometriosis
Why Are They Effective?
Multivitamins containing vitamins A, C, D, and E as well as other trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, is a potent remedy for endometriosis as it helps to boost the immune system, regulate hormones, and promote uterine health.
Recommended Dosage
You can take up to one multivitamin daily.
3. Calcium and Probiotic Supplements

Why Are They Effective?
Calcium and other probiotic supplements are useful in managing endometriosis as they help calm the nervous system, thereby preventing painful symptoms of endometriosis.
These supplements also provide beneficial antioxidants and promote immune health, which is essential for fighting endometriosis.
Recommended Dosage
Two cups of yogurt a day or 1-1.3 grams of calcium supplements taken as calcium carbonate per day.
CURE 5: Alternative Treatments
Natural treatments for endometriosis that may help relieve symptoms of endometriosis include:
1. Heating Pads

Heating pads provide warmth which dilates blood vessels and promotes blood flow. This helps tightened muscles relax and relieve pain. If you are using a heating pad for endometriosis pain relief, do not use it continuously for more than twenty minutes. You also need to be careful to regulate the temperature so that it doesn’t burn your skin.
2. Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor physical therapy or pelvic floor exercises involve flexibility and stretching exercises that can help reduce pain, especially during periods, urination, and bowel movements and intercourse. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you start doing these exercises under the supervision of a physical therapist.
3. Yoga for Endometriosis
Practicing yoga helps to ease pelvic floor tension by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area. It can also help you calm your mind and reduce stress so that you can deal with the symptoms of this condition better. Yoga may involve a series of breathing exercises as well as a number of standing, sitting, and posture exercises.
4. Acupuncture for Endometriosis
Acupuncture is a natural treatment wherein very thin needles are inserted into specific parts of the body. This treatment is considered useful for managing symptoms of endometriosis as they help to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissues to relieve pain and inflammation.
1. Is Endometriosis Genetic?
Endometriosis is considered to be an inherited condition rather than a genetic condition. A familial tendency for endometriosis can be confirmed if a close relative has been diagnosed with the condition.
2. Is There a Cure for Endometriosis?
There is no definite cure for endometriosis. However, symptoms of this painful condition can be managed with various natural and modern treatments.
You may have to experiment with the different treatment options that we have provided you with before you can ascertain what works best for you. It is also advisable to get a second opinion before you start any course of treatment.