Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies To Treat Your Gastritis (Acid Reflux)

Gastritis is a series of health conditions which has inflammation or erosion on the lining of the stomach. It brings with it discomfort as well as irritation in stomach, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, and bloating. The cause of this inflammation in the stomach or gastritis may be various.

A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach’s mucous lining can be a potential cause to your stomach leading you towards stomach ulcer. Other reasons behind gastritis can be alcohol abuse, excessive use of absolute pain killers, and even stress.

Gastritis is more common than you think, and almost 50% of the world population is facing this issue due to H. Pylori infection. It can be a chronic problem with some people, but more often, it occurs suddenly.

If taken care properly, gastritis can be effectively treated, and besides medication lifestyle changes along with home remedies play a significant role in the whole treatment process. Here are some of those must-use natural cures and home remedies for gastritis.

Table of Contents

How to Treat Gastritis

  1. Foods
  2. Supplements
  3. Essential Oils
  4. Home Remedies
  5. Herbs

CURE 1:  Foods for Gastritis

A healthy diet is always needed to treat any health issue, especially a digestive issue. There are some foods which may contribute to your gastritis inflammation, and you should avoid them at any cost.

High-fat foods are the worst for any stomach inflammation. Also, processed foods, dairy products, gluten, sugary foods, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol are your enemy if you have gastritis. Avoid these foods, and always try to include low fat, high fiber food options in your diet.

1. Broccoli for Gastritis

Image: Shutterstock

Broccoli belongs the vegetable family of cruciferous of which kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and collard greens are also a member. It supplies a lot of essential nutrients but a very few calories, which makes it a fantastic vegetable.

How does it work?

Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is known for its antibacterial effects. It kills the H. Pylori bacteria living in the lining of your stomach. This prevents the development of an ulcer or gastritis in your body.

How to use?

Broccoli is a highly beneficial vegetable, and it can be used in salads, stir-fries, soups, and other preparations. If you do not like the taste of broccoli, you can also use broccoli supplements, which are another source of sulforaphane.

How much to use?

Broccoli can be used in your daily diet. You can have one serving of any preparation containing broccoli daily, and it would be beneficial for the health of your stomach.

2. Yogurt for Gastritis

Produced by bacterial fermentation of milk, yogurt is a highly nutritious food.  Yogurt contains a lot of good bacteria or probiotics, which are known as yogurt cultures. Such bacteria like Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are excellent for your gastrointestinal health.

How does it work?

Yogurt is naturally packed with probiotics or good bacteria such as Lactobacillus. These good bacteria improve your bodily functions and help you to fight harmful bacteria in your body, which means it can help to prevent H. Pylori.  It effectively fights H. Pylori and reduces the chances of ulcer formation as well as gastritis.

How to use?

The most effective way to consume yogurt is to have a bowl of it in your breakfast or lunch. Take a bowl of yogurt, add some fresh fruits like berries, mangoes, grapes or dry fruits in it and you can have it as a healthy mid-day snack.

How much to use?

Daily a bowl of yogurt with or without fresh fruits can help you with any gastritis or digestion related issue. It improves gut health as well as your entire digestive system.

3. Garlic for Gastritis


A member of the allium family, garlic is very close to onion and shallot. Though a native to central Asia and north-eastern Iran, garlic is preferred worldwide as an essential seasoning. It has a long history of human consumption and a long list of beneficial effects on human health.

How does it work?

Garlic is famous for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. These beneficial properties make garlic an aid for fighting H. Pylori and reducing the risk of gastritis.

How to use?

Garlic has an extended range of uses in the kitchen. It is an essential part of many recipes like several curries, stir-fries, and soups. You can also chew raw garlic to get some relief in gastritis. Garlic butter is another healthy as well as a tasty option if you don’t like chewing raw garlic.

How much to use?

Use garlic in your dishes as per the requirements of the recipes. If you are thinking about consuming garlic butter, then the quantity depends on your choice. Otherwise, you can also chew 2-3 cloves of garlic daily, and that would serve your purpose.

4. High Fibre Food for Gastritis:

High fiber food is generally associated with good digestive health. It keeps you full for a long time and lowers the risk of heart diseases, stroke as well as diabetes. It is also a great food option when it comes to losing your body weight.

How does it work?

Foods high in fiber are always recommended to improve your digestive health. It protects your stomach from any unwanted damage and contributes to developing an overall healthy digestive system. It also lessens the symptoms of gastritis to a very significant extent.

How to use?

High fiber foods like oatmeal, apples, carrots, legumes, darker vegetables, bananas, nuts, and beans should be included in your diet if you are suffering from gastritis. Oatmeal can be your best breakfast option in gastritis as it is high in dietary fiber. Also, an apple a day can surely keep gastritis away from you.

How much to use?

A bowl of oatmeal in breakfast can be consumed if you are having gout-related issues. You can also include a serving of carrots and beans in your lunch. On the other hand, an apple can be eaten daily in breakfast or as a mid-day snack.

CURE 2: Supplements for Gastritis

Supplements provide the necessary support to your healing process. Deficiency of a particular nutrient in your body may help in developing some health issues. Supplements help you to get over that deficiency and boost the healing process to a very significant level.

1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Gastritis

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

When it comes to the human body and brain, omega three fatty acids play a vital role in keeping them well functioning. Human metabolism owes much to these fatty acids as well as it reduces the risk of developing specific cardiac issues.

How does it work?

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids which contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both of them are known for promoting optimal health and preventing various inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases. They are also proven to be effective against H. Pylori associated gastric issues and inflammations.

How to use?

Cold water fatty fishes are rich with their omega three content. Such fishes as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout can be consumed daily. Otherwise, you can take fish oil capsules or fish oil to increase your omega three intakes. Walnuts are also among the natural sources of omega three fatty acids.

How much to use?

The daily fish oil supplement dose for an adult should be 2000-3000 mg EPA, and DHA combined. If you are facing H. Pylori infection, you can increase this dose. Also, it is a great idea to take omega three from whole natural foods like fatty fishes and a handful of walnuts.

2. Vitamin E for Gastritis

A fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin E is famous as an antioxidant agent. It slows down the aging process preventing the damage of some particular body fats. It is also required in our body to keep functioning many organs and enzymatic activities,

How does it work?

Vitamin E is famous as an effective antioxidant and its beneficial effects on health. As an antioxidant, it fights H. Pylori infection and reduces the damages it causes. Also, it lowers the risk of mucosal injury induced by H. Pylori and prevents the accumulation of activated neutrophils.

How to use?

Vitamin E supplements are readily available in the market, and you can take them. Almonds are naturally rich in vitamin E and, therefore, almond oil is an excellent source of vitamin E. You can eat a handful of almonds in the morning or as a snack. You can also add a tablespoon of almond oil in a glass of lukewarm milk and have it before going to bed at night.

How much to use?

Recommended daily dose of vitamin E is 15 mg, but you should increase it if you want to fight H. Pylori infection and gastritis. Daily 1-2 capsules of vitamin E will suffice your purpose. A glass of milk with almond oil or a handful of almond can also be taken daily.

3. Probiotics for Gastritis


Probiotics are a certain kind of living microorganisms or good bacteria which offer a whole lot of health benefits. These good bacteria reside in your gut and promote good gut health along with several other health benefits(2).

How does it work?

Probiotics like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are good for promoting optimal gut health and, at the same time, protects you from any gastrointestinal disorder. While suffering from H. Pylori infection, it helps in fighting the infection and the damage it causes to the stomach.

How to use?

Probiotics as dietary supplements are available as tablets, capsules and in the form of powder in pharmacies. Yogurt is a natural source which contains live bacterial cultures which may help in suppressing the effects of H. Pylori.

How much to use?

If you are suffering from gastritis and H. Pylori infection, then you can consider introducing probiotics supplements in your daily diet. However, it will be better if you use a natural probiotics source like yogurt to increase your probiotics consumption.

4. Vitamin C for Gastritis

Found in tangy fruits and green vegetables, vitamin C is excellent for human immunity system. It is a potent antioxidant which lowers the risk of many chronic gastritis diseases. It also reduces the cell damages caused by the free radicals in your body(3).

How does it work?

As a micronutrient, vitamin C or ascorbic acid is highly beneficial in the treatment of H. Pylori associated gastritis. Vitamin C protects the gastric mucosa from any oxidative damages as well as protects the gastric corpus from atrophy. It also supports the treatment of H. Pylori and boosts the healing process.

How to use?

Vitamin C tablets can be purchased easily from any medical store. It can also be taken through the ingestion of tangy fruits and green vegetables.

How much to use?

Patients of H. Pylori associated gastritis are recommended a daily dose of vitamin C of 75-90 mg/day. A high dose of vitamin C can create some health issues and, that is why it would be a wise idea to consult your doctor before start taking vitamin C supplements.

CURE 3: Essential Oils for Gastritis

Natural treating methods are using essential oils for several ages due to the numerous medicinal effects they offer. Essential oils are typically known for their antioxidant, antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties which make them excellent in treating any health condition.

1. Ginger Oil for Gastritis

Ginger Oil
Image: Shutterstock

A plant in Zingiberaceae family, ginger is extensively used as a spice in all over the world. Ginger essential oil is also famous for its flavoring capacity, but it can also help with issues like indigestion and inflammation. It is also used as an effective cure for nausea and vomiting.

How does it work?

A ubiquitous name in the culinary world, ginger is famous for its digestive properties. Gingerol present in ginger essential oil may help in protecting the lining of the stomach from inflammation and damage caused by ethanol. It also reduces nausea, which is a symptom of gastritis.

How to use?

For digestive and inflammatory issues ginger oil can be infused in bath water, and you can take a bath in that water. Applying it over stomach can effectively help you with nausea, which is a result if gastritis. It can also be used in cooking, but it should be used in a little amount.

How much to use?

Daily use of ginger essential oil in your tub water can help you with your digestive health. If you are thinking about adding it to your food, don’t use more than 2-3 drops.

2. Lemongrass Oil for Gastritis

Aromatherapy has some critical use of lemongrass oil due to its refreshing scent. It has shown to be effective against the growth of microorganisms, which makes it a great aid in several health conditions.

How does it work?

Lemongrass is famous as a medicinal herb, and lemongrass oil is highly beneficial in several health conditions, including gastritis. It can help in resisting the effects of H. Pylori bacteria owing to an antimicrobial property called citral and the damage it causes to the stomach. It is also helpful when it comes to gastritis associated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to use?

You can add a few drops of lemongrass oil in your soup, and that can help you with your digestive problems. Lemongrass oil can also be used as a part of aromatherapy which and also prove beneficial. It can also be applied over your stomach to give you some relief from the gastritis inflammation.

How much to use?

If you are thinking about using it in your food, don’t use more than a few drops. Also, apply only a few drops after diluting it with some carrier oil if you are using it as massaging oil.

3. Peppermint Oil for Gastritis

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil addresses several health concerns which include issues ranging from seasonal allergy to digestive issues. It not only promotes skin and hair health but also boosts energy level to a great extent.

How does it work?

Peppermint is known for giving you some relief from the symptoms of gastritis. Its menthol content can improve your digestive system and can soothe the inflammation on your stomach lining. It can also reduce nausea and vomiting which come along with gastritis.

How to use?

Peppermint oil can be inhaled to reduce the feeling of nausea as well as vomiting. This can be also helpful with other symptoms of gastritis like upset stomach and indigestion. Aromatherapy with peppermint oil can also work for inflammation in the stomach.

How much to use?

If you want to inhale it, take only a few drops of peppermint oil on your hand. This would show some effective results on the symptoms of gastritis.

4. Carrot Seed Oil for Gastritis:

This oil is extracted from the dried seeds of wild carrot native to Europe. Carrot seed oil is a well-known disinfectant and detoxifier, which is the reason behind its popularity in the world of natural medicines.

How does it work?

The carrot seed oil has several antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be very useful in treating gastritis. It can prevent H. Pylori from damaging the lining of the stomach and can improve your digestive system by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and enzymes.

How to use?

You can mix it with some carrier oil like almond oil or jojoba oil and apply it over your stomach. This can help you with all kinds of gastric issues you are suffering from.

How much to use?

Be very cautious while using carrot seed oil as excessive use of it can trigger skin sensitivity. Take only a few drops of it and dilute it properly before using it.

CURE 4: Home Remedies for Gastritis

1. Eat Lighter Meals for Gastritis

lighter food

Digestive issues are primarily attributed to heavy meals with high levels of carbs in it. That is why; it is always wise to have small meals as they won’t give unwanted pressure on your digestive system, making it a disastrous one.

How does it work?

Eating larger meals can prove fatal in gastritis. It can give undue stress to your stomach and can promote indigestion and gastritis pain. Whereas eating lighter as well as small meals regularly in a day can help you with gastritis related issues and can reduce the discomforts related to it.

How to use?

Without having heavy meals, try to have smaller meals and increase the number of meals you take over a day. Eating smaller meals after every 3-4 hours will give your stomach some ease from the symptoms of gastritis.

How much to use?

Instead of eating some heavy meals, divide that into two or three meals and try to have them in 3-4 hours. This will make your digestive process easy without putting unwanted strain on your digestive tract and will very much help you with your gastritis.

2. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol for Gastritis

Smoking and alcohol both are injurious when it comes to your health. They promote an extended range of severe health conditions, including cancer in the lungs and stomach.

How does it work?

Smoking is not only harmful to your lungs; instead, it brings several other health issues like stomach cancer. Smoking aggravates the chances of developing stomach cancer and alcohol damages the lining of your stomach, promoting gastritis.

How to use?

Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption if you want to get rid of gastritis and its symptoms. Alcohol can damage your stomach lining and, that is why you need to quit your drinking habits if you want a healthy stomach.

How much to use?

A damaged stomach can get worse if you continue smoking as well as drinking. Therefore, you need to quit smoking and give up on alcohol if you want to live your life on ease away from gastritis.

3. Reduce Stress for Gastritis

Reduce Stress
Image: ShutterStock

Stress is something which can be a hidden factor behind numerous health complaints. Keeping your stress level low is essential if you want to lead a comfortable life with your body functioning well.

How does it work?

Stress management is something important when it comes to managing a health condition like gastritis. Excessive stress can potentially promote gastritis flare-ups and can give you a fair share of pain as well as discomfort.

How to use?

Managing your stress can be done in various ways. You can try yoga or meditation to reduce your stress. On the other hand, a session of head massage or body massage using essential oils like mint oil or lavender oil can bring down your stress levels. You can also try drinking chamomile tea or mint tea as they soothe your mind and promote sound sleep.

How much to use?

You can start practicing yoga or meditation every morning, and this will help your mind stay calm throughout the day. Also, you can have 1-2 cups of chamomile or mint tea regularly to see some useful results. Moreover, you can try head massage with mint oil or lavender oil to witnessing their immediate calming effects.

4. Stop Overusing of Pain Killers:

Pain relievers are safe when taken as directed, but overuse of them can bring some serious health issues. Unwanted use of pain killers like aspirin and ibuprofen can be the leading cause of kidney damage, stomach bleeding, and critical liver conditions.

How does it work?

Overuse of some medicines can bring gastritis and all the related discomforts. Some medications like aspirin and ibuprofen can damage the lining of your stomach, making your gastritis even worse.

How to use?

Try not to take aspirin or ibuprofen if you don’t want your gastritis getting out of your hand. These medicines can contribute to the damage of your stomach, promoting gastritis.

How much to use?

If you are a patient of gastritis and suffering from flare-ups, then quit using pain killers like aspirin and ibuprofen. These can potentially damage your stomach and can promote severe gastritis symptoms.

CURE 5: Herbs for Gastritis

There are many medicinal properties present in herbs, which are the reason they are used as the main component in Ayurveda and other natural treatments. Their beneficial effects can help treat many serious issues which are otherwise difficult to cure.

1. Marshmallow Root for Gastritis

Marshmallow Root

Also known as Althaea, marshmallow herb is a native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. They are excellent for treating inflammation and often act as a pain reliever. They are also active in cases of issues related to the urinary tract.

How does it work?

Marshmallow root works excellent when it comes to protecting the inner lining of the digestive tract as well as stomach. This herb is known for its mucilage content, which makes it easier for foods to pass through the digestive tract. It also treats heartburn which comes along gastritis.

How to use?

Marshmallow root is available as a powder, and it can be infused in water for drinking. Take one teaspoon of marshmallow powder and steep it in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Stain this water, and you can drink it to get relief from gastritis.

How much to use?

You can have this marshmallow infused water once daily. This will provide you significant relief from the symptoms of gastritis along with a healthy stomach.

2. Licorice Root for Gastritis

Its sweet taste makes the licorice root widely used in sweetening candies. However, there are several ailments which can be benefitted from the use of licorice root. It has several antiviral and antimicrobial components to fight against several diseases.

How does it work?

Licorice root can be of much help for you to maintain a healthy stomach. It protects the stomach lining from any damage and prevents stomach ulcer. It helps in stabilizing the stomach acids to reduce gastritis related stomach damages.

How to use?

Licorice root powder can be effectively used in treating gastritis. It can be infused in hot water and used as a drink. All you need to do is steep one teaspoon of licorice root powder in hot water for 15 minutes and drink that water to see some practical results.

How much to use?

This licorice root water can be drunk 1-2 times daily. You can also infuse licorice root in your tea for gastritis and drink that 1-2 times regularly.

3. Rosemary for Gastritis

Rosemary for Gastritis

Perennial herb rosemary grows in large numbers, especially in the Mediterranean region. Owing to its fragrance, it is primarily used in the culinary world and in making perfumes. At the same time, it has several medicinal properties making it a part of the world of natural cures.

How does it work?

Rosemary is a well-known herb for its uses in natural treatments. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a perfect aid for treating gastritis. It soothes stomach inflammation, which comes along gastritis and promotes a healthy stomach.

How to use?

Using rosemary for treating gastritis is something simple. You need to add 1-2 teaspoons rosemary in hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes. This rosemary infused water is a perfect herbal tea which can be beneficial in gastritis.

How much to use?

Drinking rosemary herbal tea 1-2 times a day will bring some compelling results. It will bring a significant change in the amount of inflammation associated with gastritis.

4. Aloe Vera for gastritis:

Aloe vera and its use in home remedies need no introduction. Though native to the tropical climate, today it is cultivated worldwide due to its medicinal uses. Aloe vera gel is highly beneficial for skin, hair, and its soothing effects make it even more therapeutic.

How does it work?

The cooling effects of aloe vera are not something unknown. At the same time, it has various anti-inflammatory properties, and these can bring some ease to your irritated stomach. The antiseptic agents present in aloe vera can also fight the infection in the inner lining of your stomach.

How to use?

Take 1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and add it to a glass of water. Drink this aloe vera juice for gastritis flare-ups.

How much to use?

This remedy using aloe vera gel can be tries 1-2 times per day. Drinking aloe vera infused water will bring some instant calmness to your infected stomach.


1. What is gastritis?

gastritis is a condition in which the lining of your stomach gets damaged owing to some infection or any other thing. This damage or erosion of the inner lining of the stomach happens primarily because of a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.

This bacterium lives in the mucous lining of the stomach and leads you towards stomach ulcer as well as stomach cancer. Other potential reasons behind gastritis are alcohol abuse, overuse of painkillers and stress, etc.

gastritis can appear all of a sudden, or it can be a chronic or long term health issue. Like other health conditions, gastritis also does not come alone; rather, it brings along with it symptoms like inflammation or irritation in the stomach, nausea, severe pain in the stomach, and indigestion.

2. What should be the diet for gastritis?

As gastritis is an abdominal issue, diet plays a crucial part in its treatment. With a proper diet or food habit, you can manage to control the symptoms of gastritis successfully.

The very first step towards a healthy diet for gastritis is to quit alcohol. Along with that, you need to avoid processed and high-fat foods like fast foods. Sugary foods and drinks, as well as caffeinated drinks, should also be in your reject list. Instead, try to incorporate low-fat foods and whole grains in your diet.

These can be beneficial for your digestive system. Apart from these, broccoli must be there in your diet as it helps to fight against H. Pylori. Garlic also can help treat H. Pylori infection. Food like yogurt is full of good bacteria cultures and, thus, they should be included in your diet to improve your digestive health.

3. What are some useful supplements for gastritis?

Supplements can support your gastritis treatment and fast forward to your healing process. A very beneficial supplement, omega three fatty acids are also beneficial for gastritis treatments. EPA and DHA present in omega three fatty acids reduce any gastrointestinal inflammation.

They also give protection to your infected stomach in case of H. Pylori associated gastritis. Vitamins like E and C are essential when it comes to fighting gastritis.

Owing to their antioxidant properties, they effectively protect the stomach from all kinds of oxidative damages. Apart from these, probiotics are always vital in the treatment of gastrointestinal issues like gastritis.

4, What are some useful essential oils for gastritis?

Treating gastritis becomes more accessible with the help of some essential oils. Such essential oils include ginger essential oil, lemongrass oil, peppermint oil, and carrot seed oil. Ginger is famous as something that helps with digestion.

Ginger essential oil effectively reduces inflammation and symptoms like nausea or vomiting. On the other hand, lemongrass, oil, and carrot seed oil can fight H. Pylori bacteria, improving the health of the lining of your stomach. Peppermint oil is also another anti-inflammatory agent which works excellent with stomach inflammation caused by gastritis.

5. What are some home remedies for gastritis?

Home remedies for gastritis include some simple lifestyle changes which will help you to manage your daily life quickly and comfortably. If you want to get rid of gastritis and its flare-ups, at the very first stop smoking and quit alcohol, smoking and alcohol both can be fatal for the health of your stomach especially when you are suffering from gastritis.

Also, try to avoid using painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen as they can be the reason behind the damage of your stomach lining. When dealing with gastritis and other digestion problems, you should keep your stress level low and focus on having a sound sleep at night. Low level of stress is always better for gastritis.

6. How can I use herbs for gastritis?

There are many herbs which can help you in gastritis. Marshmallow root and licorice root are among those useful medicinal herbs. Both of them are available in powder form and can be infused in water for drinking purpose. Other beneficial herbs for gastritis are rosemary and aloe vera.

Rosemary herbal tea can be very soothing in stomach inflammation. On the other hand, drinking aloe vera gel infused water can provide you some significant relief from inflammation and irritation in the stomach.

Medication is essential when it comes to gastritis as leaving it untreated can bring some serious health issues like stomach cancer. However, natural remedies can act as a support to your medication in your healing process. These natural cures can help you to lead your life comfortably despite having gastritis associated inflammation and irritation.

Also, some simple lifestyle changes can lower the risk of developing gastritis and all the related symptoms. That is why you should embrace all these home remedies, and natural cures along with your medication to give gastritis an intense fight.

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