How to Cure Baldness with Natural Remedies
Baldness is a common problem, and not just among the older folk. According to a study by the American Academy of Dermatology(1), more than 80 million people in the US are suffering from baldness and hair thinning.
Genetics and hormones play a significant role in male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Some other reasons for hair loss include ageing, scalp infections, or nutrient deficiency.
Table of Contents
How to Cure Baldness?
Once you grow older, your hair grows at a much slower rate, but you still lose approximately 100 strands a day. This imbalance is hair fall, and hair growth can result in baldness.
According to American Hair Loss Association(2), over two-thirds of men will experience some sort of hair loss by the age of 35. Poor lifestyle choices, lack of nutrition, and stress are the primary causes of hair loss and resulting baldness.
And the good news is that all of these causes are preventable. The first step is determining what is causing your hair loss. Once you know the cause, there are various home remedies that you can follow to cure baldness.
CURE 1: Home Remedies for Baldness
You don’t have to spend hundreds of bucks on surgery and transplant to cure baldness; home remedies can be just as effective. Below are some of the best ways to improve hair growth.
1. Onion Juice
Why Is It Effective?
Onion helps regenerate hair roots and also fights scalp infections.
How to Use?
Crush one onion with water to make its juice. Apply the juice on your head and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes. Shampoo as usual.
How Much to Use?
Apply onion juice once a week for quick hair growth.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Why Is It Effective?
Apple cider vinegar manages the pH level of your scalp and fights microbes that prevent hair growth.
How to Use?
Mix two spoons apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and rinse your hair with it after shampoo. Finally, rinse with plain water.
How Much to Use?
Apply apple cider vinegar to your hair twice a week to prevent baldness.
3. Hair Masks

Why Is It Effective?
Hair masks are an excellent way to treat your hair and strengthen hair follicles. But, instead of going for a chemical-filled hair mask, make your own with natural ingredients.
How to Use?
Mash a ripe banana and add some olive oil and amla powder to it. Mix the paste and apply it to your hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap for forty minutes then shampoo.
How Much to Use?
You can apply the banana hair mask twice a week.
4. Yoga
Why Is It Effective?
Yoga improves your blood circulation, and some yoga asanas also enable better blood flow to the brain.
How to Use?
Forward bending pose: stand straight and raise your hands above your head. Now slowly bend forward so that your hands touch the floor. Maintain the pose for five seconds then slowly come back up.
Seated pose: Sit on your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your thighs and breathe slowly.
How Much to Use?
Practice yoga for twenty to thirty minutes.
5. Coconut Oil for Baldness

Why Is It Effective?
Coconut is a popular hair fall control remedy. This is because coconut oil contains proteins that promote hair growth.
How to Use?
Apply coconut oil to your hair one night before washing it.
How Much to Use?
You can apply coconut oil every time you wash your hair.
6. Yogurt
Why Is It Effective?
Yogurt contains proteins and probiotics that maintain the pH balance of your scalp, thus facilitating hair growth.
How to Use?
Apply yogurt directly to your hair or mix it with olive oil and fenugreek seed powder to make a hair mask. Leave it in your hair for fifteen to twenty minutes then shampoo.
How Much to Use?
You can apply yogurt to your hair twice a week.
Also Read: Natural Remedies for Hair Loss
Did You Know!
Everyone loses about 50-100 strands of hair every day, which is normal
Cure 2: Foods
When your hair gets the nutrients it needs, it grows faster and is stronger. Certain foods contain proteins and vitamins that are good for your hair, so make it a point to include them in your diet.
1. Eggs

Why Is It Effective?
Proteins are important for maintaining the health of your hair. Eggs are a rich source of protein and other nutrients that can strengthen your hair.
How to Use?
You can take eggs for breakfast in any form.
How Much to Use?
One egg a day is recommended to get adequate protein.
2. Spinach
Why Is It Effective?
Spinach contains folate and iron, both of which are good for your hair.
How to Use?
Spinach can be added to your salad or smoothie to make it healthier.
How Much to Use?
One serving of spinach can give you half of your daily iron intake.
3. Fatty Fish

Why Is It Effective?
Fatty fish contain omega-3s, which are great for hair growth. A study by PubMed Central(3) found that consuming fatty fish can help to cure baldness.
How to Use?
Fatty fish like salmon and trout make a healthy meal.
How Much to Use?
Taking fatty fish two to three times a week is recommended.
4. Avocados
Why Is It Effective?
Avocados are healthy and nutritious. They also contain vitamin E, which helps to prevent baldness.
How to Use?
Avocado can be added to your salad, smoothie, or with a bagel. You can also eat it plain as a snack.
How Much to Use?
Take one serving of avocado three to four times a week.
5. Beans

Why Is It Effective?
Like eggs, beans are also a great source of protein. They also contain iron and biotin, which helps improve the blood flow to your brain.
How to Use?
Black beans are especially beneficial for hair and can be added in your salad or take as a side dish with your meal.
How Much to Use?
One cup of beans two to three times a week is the recommended intake.
Also Read: 5 Natural remedies to remove facial hair at home.
Did You Know?
Baldness can be hereditary, and if your parents experienced baldness, there’s a strong chance you will also.
Cure 3: Herbs for Baldness
Natural herbs have been used to treat many health problems. There are also various herbs all around us that can help hair growth and prevent baldness. Here are some herbs to treat hair loss effectively.
1. Amla
Why Is It Effective?
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is recommended for any hair-related issue. This herb contains vitamin C and collagen, which maintains the health of your hair.
How to Use?
Amla can be taken in any form: plain, as a powder mixed in water, or it can be made into a paste and applied directly to the hair.
How Much to Use?
You can consume two amlas daily to cure baldness.
2. Nettle Leaf

Why Is It Effective?
Nettle leaf has a high mineral content and contains silica and sulfur, which can boost collagen levels.
How to Use?
Nettle leaf can be infused in your morning tea, or you can add it to a glass of steaming water and drink the water.
How Much to Use?
Take nettle leaf every morning on an empty stomach for best results.
3. Aloe Vera
Why Is It Effective?
Aloe vera(4) conditions your scalp and also increases sebum production, thus promoting hair growth.
How to Use?
Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your scalp and leave it on for thirty minutes. Then, shampoo as normal.
How Much to Use?
Apply aloe vera get twice a week.
4. Neem Leaves

Why Is It Effective?
Neem has antibacterial properties and is used to treat infections naturally. This herb is also effective if you have a scalp infection that is causing bald patches.
How to Use?
Boil some fresh neem leaves in one cup of water and let it cool. Strain the water and wash your hair. Lastly, rinse the hair with the neem water. Do not wash after that.
How Much to Use?
Use this remedy at least once a week.
5. Rosemary
Why Is It Effective?
Rosemary increases blood circulation to your scalp, which prevents hair follicles from damage.
How to Use?
Add some sprigs of fresh rosemary to your tea.
How Much to Use?
Rosemary-infused tea can be consumed daily.
Also Read: Natural Remedies for Silky, Shiny and Bouncy hair
Did You Know!
Balding is more common in men, but women and children, too, aren’t immune to it.
Cure 4: Supplements
Most of the time, our diet is lacking in essential nutrients, and taking supplements can give your body these nutrients. Some of these nutrients are also essential for the proper growth of hair.
1. Biotin
Why Is It Effective?
Biotin(5) is a b-complex nutrient that can help strengthen your hair and nails. It is also known as vitamin H.
How to Use?
Biotin supplements can be taken in pill form.
How Much to Use?
You can safely take 2-4 mg of biotin daily for hair growth.
2. Vitamin C
Why Is It Effective?
Vitamin C increases sebum in your body, natural oil that protects your hair from damage.
How to Use?
Vitamin C supplements can be taken in pill form. Many citrus fruits also contain this vitamin
How Much to Use?
The recommended intake of vitamin C is 65 milligrams every day.
3. Zinc
Why Is It Effective?
Zinc is a trace mineral that is responsible for cell reproduction and managing scalp health.
How to Use?
Zinc supplements can be taken in pills, but it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking the supplements
How Much to Use?
The current recommended intake of zinc is 11 mg daily, but you should check with your doctor for the right dose for you.
4. Vitamin D
Why Is It Effective?
Vitamin D stimulates your hair follicles, and a deficiency in this vitamin can cause hair loss.
How to Use?
Vitamin D is available in very few natural sources, so taking supplements is the best way to get the vitamin.
How Much to Use?
The daily vitamin D intake is 10 micrograms.
5. Vitamin B12
Why Is It Effective?
B12 is responsible for improving blood circulation in your body, and better blood flow to your scalp can increase hair growth.
How to Use?
Vitamin B12 supplements are commonly available as pills and can be taken at any time.
How Much to Use?
The daily B12 intake is 5 mcg.
Did You Know!
Internal factors are more responsible for hair loss than external factors like the environment.
Tips to Prevent Baldness
While genetic and hereditary baldness cannot be controlled, there are still ways to prevent baldness due to other reasons.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. The chemicals in shampoo can irritate your scalp, thus causing hair follicles to weaken and cause hair fall.
- Massaging your scalp with cedarwood essential oil mixed in a carrier oil can help to prevent baldness and reduce dandruff.
- A quarter of hair shaft is composed of water, so staying hydrated is essential to maintain the health of your hair and preventing them from falling.
- Alcohol causes hair loss since it interferes with the blood circulation to your head, so try to limit your alcohol intake.
Baldness is not just a cosmetic issue but can indicate a deeper health condition, too. Research shows that hair loss is related to 70% risk of developing a heart condition.
If your baldness is not genetic, then it is most probably caused by some imbalance in the internal workings of your body. So, it’s best to treat your hair loss before it causes a bigger health concern.
1. Is There a Cure for Baldness?
For genetic baldness, you can opt for hair transplant surgery. If a nutrient deficiency causes your baldness, taking supplements and following a healthy diet can cure baldness.
2. for How Long Does Hair on Your Head Live?
Under normal conditions, the growth phase of your hair is three years. This means that hair that has been on your head for more than three years will fall and new hair will grow in its place.
3. Do Chemicals Cause Baldness?
While chemicals, in general, do not cause hair loss, overuse can damage your hair. Also, if you are allergic to some chemicals in a product, it can cause hair to fall.