How to Treat Burns with the Help of Natural Treatments
Here is a collection of tried and tested ways on how to cure burns in a naturally. The article features natural remedies for burns and how to use them.
A burn is a damage to the skin or other natural tissue, which is caused due to exposure to heat, radiation, radioactivity, electricity, grinding, or contact with chemicals. They can be minor medical problems or life-threatening emergencies.
Universally, burns are a serious and genuine medical issue. A reported 265,000 deaths(1) take place as a result of fires alone, with more deaths occurring from other types of burns, the data for which is not globally accessible.
According to the WHO, more than 96%(2) of deadly fire-related burns take place in third-world nations and even then, 66%(3) of them happen in the African and Southerly-East Asian countries. Moreover, some types of burns can cause deformations that can lead to handicaps.
The pain caused by burns is even more terrible, but they are predominantly preventable. First-world nations have made impressive progress in mitigating the risk and rate of burn-related fatalities through many demonstrated prevention strategies and improvements in the nursing of people suffering from burns.
Table of Contents
Naturopathic Remedies for Burns
- Essential Oils
- Foods
- Home Remedies
- Lifestyle Changes
- Herbs
The treatment of burns depends on the afflicted area and the degree of the damage. While sunburns and singes can be treated at home, deep, or severe burns need prompt medical care. Depending on their severity, burns are classified into three types:
- 1st-degree burns: These are minor burns and only affect the outer layer of the epidermis. It can cause blisters, redness, and pain.
- 2nd-degree burns: This type of burn is more severe and affects both the outer layer of the skin and the and the second layer of the skin. It may cause blisters to appear in addition to having red or white skin. These burns cause a lot of pain, and deep burns can cause scarring.
- 3rd-degree burns: Third-degree burns affect the fat layer underneath the skin. The afflicted areas could become black, brown, or white. This type of burn can destroy nerves, causing numbness.
Prompt medical care is essential to assuage the effects of burn-related incidents. Knowing when to seek medical assistance after determining the symptoms can help you restrict the damage to a large extent.
As such, seek emergency medical assistance for when you notice signs of infection, such as blisters, oozing wounds, and swelling. If a burn blister doesn’t heal in two weeks and has caused significant scarring, consult a doctor immediately.
Naturally, it makes sense to understand how to heal burns through natural remedial measures that offer a sustainable solution. So, without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter and know how to treat burn using natural remedies.
Did You Know!
Burns and fires are a common cause of death in children and adults and account for an estimated 3,500 (4) adult and child deaths per year. |
CURE 1: Essential Oils for Burns
While the legitimacy of essential oils has been questioned in the past by people when talking about relieving different types of burns, such as acid burns, heat burns, and chemical burns, there remains no doubt of how terrific agents of healing they are today.
These oils have intrinsic properties that have antimicrobial effects and also help prevent microbes from affecting the burnt area.
Here, we will explain exactly how you can use natural oils to mitigate burn-related symptoms. Always remember that each essential oil is different than the other, so always be sure of what each essential oil has to offer.
1. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile is an all-pervasive essential oil, and it has a long history of utilization when it comes to treating minor burns and wounds, including sunburns. What sets chamomile apart from other essential oils is that it has most of its properties in common with aloe vera. It is truly an outstanding essential oil when it comes to treating burn-related injuries.
Why does this work?
Chamomile has been utilized to mend wounds and skin. It’s also known to be a common ingredient in many skin moisturizers and lotions. Like aloe vera, it has emollient, saturating, and skin-rejuvenating properties. Studies demonstrate that chamomile can help mend minor burn wounds.
How to use and how much to use?
A lot of treatment procedures that include essential oils are very similar to one another. However, a compress of chamomile oil is very effective for treating minor burn wounds.
To do this, add a few drops of chamomile oil to one cup of warm water. You can also add different oils together if you like. After mixing the oil well with water, take a clean cloth, soak it in the mixture, and apply it to the burn-afflicted area.
2. Juniper Oil
The essential oil extracted from junipers have long been utilized in folk medicine to treat burn wounds. This also includes trees of the same type, such as Cedar and Cypress of the Cupressaceae family. In a 2015 study(5), it was found that an active ingredient called thujone in juniper oil can help recuperate, forestall contamination, and alleviate inflammation by acting as an antimicrobial agent.
Why does this work?
A report(6) which was conducted in 2017 confirmed that some cedar species contained thujone and pinene as well, a compound known to help recuperate wounds and minimize scars brought about by burns. It can treat everything from minor wounds to facilitate healing, reduce scarring, to the prevention of infections.
How to use and how much to use?
You can use a moisturizing product or carrier oil with juniper oil. However, ensure that you use this measure once your burns have already healed because oily products can trap the heat of fresh burns inside. Mix a few drops of juniper oil with carrier oils, like coconut oil or olive oil, and apply topically to the affected area three to four times a day. Use it until you notice that the symptoms have subsided and the scarring has reduced.
3. Oregano Oil

Apart from being a kitchen herb, Oregano is a miraculous herb that can treat burn wounds. It is one of the most widely used essential oils, and it has strong antibiotic properties. Its effects have also been studied to treat topical wounds and burns.
A study conducted in 2011(7) on animals supervised the effects of a wound ointment of oregano, sage, and St. John’s wort. It was found that oregano contributed to quicker healing for a lot of injuries, including burns.
Why does this work?
Oregano oil has powerful antibiotic properties, thanks to carvacrol, a compound known to help fight bacteria. It also has antioxidant and antifungal properties. These antioxidants protect the body from harm caused by free radicals.
How to use and how much to use?
Since oregano oil is highly concentrated, you need very low doses of it if in comparison to fresh oregano. You can use it as a salve, balm, lotion, or ointment by mixing it with a carrier oil. Once your inflammation has reduced, mix a few drops of oregano essential oil with a lotion or carrier oil. Five drops of oregano oil to every ounce of a carrier oil works wonders. You can apply the mixture topically on the burn-afflicted area for 3-4 times a day.
Also Read: The Best Essential Oils to Treat Stress
CURE 2: Foods
Because burn victims require a lot of energy to heal, their calorie-intake has to be higher. When in the process of healing from burns, it’s imperative that you do everything in your power to get proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition, the healing process could slow down, you could lose weight, and your immune system could become weak. If you’re pondering over how to cure burns and which foods will help you do so, you’ve come to the right place.
1. Protein-Rich Foods
Burn patients need a lot of protein during the healing process as the body loses protein through the burn wounds, and spends extra energy as muscles break down to produce the energy for the healing process. Additional proteins help rebuild the muscles that were lost as a result of the burns.
Why does it work?
After suffering from a burn-related incident, the body goes to extreme lengths to regain lost muscle and will look for nutrients, wherever it can find them. If the patient isn’t supplied with supplemental nutrients, the body can rob itself of essential nutrients, hence weakening the body. That is why, proteins and protein supplements are necessary for burn victims because not only do they help rebuild muscles lost as a result of the burn, but they also produce extra energy for the healing process.
How to use and how much to use?
Though there isn’t a defined prescription for how much protein-rich foods you can consume, you can always consult your doctor to get a customized dosage. Apart from telling you how much protein to consume daily, they would also advise you on the recommended servings. However, for most patients, the recommended intake is 3-4 servings of meat, poultry, beans, nuts, fish, etc.
2. Carbohydrate Rich Foods

Foods rich in carbohydrates are also an essential component of a diet regimen for burn victims, and they make up for the bulk of their nutrient intake. The body needs carbohydrates to turn it into glucose so that the burn wounds can use glucose for energy and facilitate the healing process.
Why does it work?
Since carbohydrates like grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables are rich in glucose, they help the body convert this glucose into energy. When this energy is provided to the body for healing, the carbohydrates will let the protein rebuild muscle rather than be turned into fuel.
How to use and how much to use?
Once the initial shock of the burn wears off, the body immediately goes into hyperdrive to replace lost nutrients. As such, it starts looking for them anywhere. That is why the amount of energy required by the body can reach a fever pitch. As such, healthy servings of carbohydrate-rich foods are to be consumed 3-4 times a day to expedite the healing process. On average, 6-11 servings of bread, grains, cereals, and nuts are enough.
3. Fat Rich Foods
Fat-rich foods are an essential part of the healing process. It is necessary to include fats in the diet to supply essential fatty acids and extra calories to the body. However, take care to keep the fat intake low because too much of it can weaken your immune system.
Why does it work?
Fat rich foods provide the body with several fatty acids and extra calories to the body. These also act as building blocks to replace the amount of fat lost after the burn.
How to use and how much to use?
There are a lot of ways you can consume fatty foods, but it is advised to take them in their natural form. There’s no prescribed limit on how much fatty food you should consume. However, you can visit your doctor to know the exact amount of servings required by you. A few fatty foods which are super healthy and can quicken the healing process, are avocados, cheese, dark chocolate, whole eggs, fatty fish, nuts, and chia seeds.
Also Read: Top 5 Best Foods For Healthy Heart
CURE 3: Home Remedies for Burns
Though there are a host of medical supplements available for relieving burns, few would argue that home remedies aren’t the perfect solution to alleviate the symptoms of burn-related injuries. Apart from serving their primary purpose of healing burns and reducing its symptoms, these also have many added health benefits.
1. Aloe Vera for Burns

Aloe vera is widely referred to as the “go-to remedy for burns.” There is mounting evidence that aloe vera is a useful remedy to heal first to second-degree burns. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it cools the skin, promotes circulation, and impedes the proliferation of bacteria.
How to use it?
If you have an aloe vera plant growing in your home or in your surroundings, you can get fresh aloe from it. Take a knife and cut a few meaty leaves from the bottom of the aloe vera plant. Take the extracted aloe into your hands and apply a generous amount of it to the burn-afflicted area. Rub it gently onto the affected area, and ensure that you don’t scrub the affected area too hard. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
2. Vanilla
Vanilla pods and vanilla essence are very good for treating minor burns. It extract, in particular, is known to soothe burns and reduce pain because as the alcohol it contains evaporates, the burn gradually cools down.
It is also known for its amazing healing properties. Vanilla is also a popular remedial measure for cancer treatment due to the presence of a compound called vanillin within it. Vanilla extract also constitutes of vanillic acid, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, because of its antibacterial properties, it helps ward off bacteria and prevent infection.
How to use it?
There are a lot of ways you can use vanilla extract for treating burns. The most common method is by applying undiluted vanilla topically to the injured area. Take a piece of cloth and soak it with vanilla extract. After that dab the cloth over the entire surface of the affected area.
3. Apple cider vinegar for burns
Apple Cider Vinegar is the miracle potion of today. The acetic acid present in vinegar can help allay itching, reduce pain, and alleviate aggravation. It also draws heat from the burn wound, thereby nullifying the pain internally.
How to use it?
There exist numerous ways to apply apple cider vinegar to treat a burn. Even though most methods call for diluting it before applying it to the skin, there are no reliable sources that prescribe a judicious vinegar-to-water ratio. Some ways to use apple cider vinegar are:
- Fill up a spray bottle with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water and spray it onto the affected area.
- Take a washcloth, dip it in apple cider vinegar, wring the cloth, and pat it gently on the burn-afflicted area.
- Take a cool bath with a mixture of diluted apple cider vinegar.
4. Coconut Oil for Burns

Coconut oil is one of the best remedial measures to alleviate burn injuries and related symptoms. It has several vital properties that makes it efficient for treating burns along with preventing off-shoots in the form of secondary infections. It moisturizes the skin, facilitates a quick healing process, and reduces the chances of permanent scarring.
How much to consume?
Virgin organic coconut oil is a great agent for allaying the severity of burns. You can topically apply coconut oil, generously and frequently to the burn-afflicted areas. However, make it a point to run the burned area under cold water for some time as it soothes the pain and clears the skin of any foreign particles and irritants that may have come into contact with the skin.
Doing so will partially numb the area for a short while and also help prevent scarring of the area by stimulating blood flow. Following this, apply a generous amount of coconut oil to the burn. There’s no need to massage the oil. Just let it permeate your skin and leave it be for 10-15 minutes before you proceed to wash it off with water.
CURE 4: Lifestyle Changes
If you think that your burn will heal without making any lifestyle changes, you’re very wrong. Since burn victims who require to introduce lifestyle changes are generally very severe cases, they cannot help the healing process without taking firm steps in this regard.
If you are thinking about lifestyle tips for burn-related injuries, here are a few that you can adopt in your quest to mitigate the symptoms of burns.
1. Have a healthy diet regimen
The most important and difficult lifestyle change that you’ll have to make is in regards to an updated and revamped diet regimen. The body requires essential nutrients to replace the ones it lost during the burn incident. To effectively assuage burn-related afflictions:
- Prepare a healthy, balanced meal consisting of all the major five food groups, namely vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy.
- Always make it a point to include protein-rich foods in every meal or snack. Sources of protein include chicken, eggs, pork, beef, nuts, dairy products, etc.
- Ensure to have a high water intake.
Also Read: 4 Dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol
2. Exercise Regularly

Severe burn trauma can leave you feeling morbid and also bed-ridden for weeks. It can result in skeletal muscle catabolism and prolonged immobilisation. To this end, doctors and medical care professionals advise a recuperative exercising schedule to restore lean body mass and proper physical functioning in burn victims.
A formal exercise regimen is recommended for everyone to practice, as it is a key component of the rehabilitation process across all phases of care. Patients have been observed to show promising signs of recovery after sticking to an exercise regimen. Another major subset of exercising is resistance training.
This type of training is beneficial for reconditioning in many medical conditions. However, there is not enough evidence to support this in the case of burns. That being said, resistance training helps regain muscle strength, lean body mass, proper motor functioning, improved quality of life, and reduce pain after a burn injury.
3. High Water Intake
Since burns do away with the water content in the body, it is a widely known fact that major and severe fluid loss is one of the greatest problems faced by burn patients following their injuries. This results in a host of complications, such as improper digestion of food, aching joints, muscles, and tissues, and increased tiredness. That is why effective fluid resuscitation is a very important part of the healing process.
Here, patients are advised to drink as much water as possible to effectively hydrate their tissues. Appropriate fluid management by consuming inordinate amounts of water and foods with high water content directly and proportionately boosts the survival rates and alleviates the suffering of burn victims.
4. Healthy Sanitary Practices
There is a triad of factors that influence the wound healing process, namely the patients’ age, nutritional intake, and level of hygiene. Of these, personal hygiene is of the utmost importance for infection control. Improper hygiene and unhealthy sanitary practices can increase the risk of you contracting infections.
More often than not, certain infections could be traced to bad hygiene habits. It is recommended that burn patients take proper care to ensure healthy sanitary practices are followed.
Hygiene is particularly essential during the post-surgical phase. Personal cleanliness hugely influences a patient’s post-surgical rehabilitation process. For example, patients are encouraged to regularly clean the affected area with a damp cloth so as to prevent the risk of microbes infecting it.
However, there are certain limitations that patients should be aware of when it comes to showering. For patients who can’t shower regularly, they are still advised to undertake full-body cleaning with the help of a wet sponge and patting it on the surface of the entire wound site.
CURE 5: Herbs for Burns
Since time immemorial, herbal remedies have been regarded as a godsend by people when it comes to treating burns. By having the right knowledge of essential herbs for relieving burns and related symptoms, you can assuage your suffering to a large extent. If you’ve been wondering about what to use for burns, here are four of the most effective herbal remedies that can help you alleviate the severity of your symptoms quickly.
1. Comfrey
Comfrey is a shrub that is found in parts of Europe, North America, and Asia. It is marked by its distinctive purple, blue, and white flowers. Its leaves and roots have been an integral part of traditional medicine.
How to use?
Even today, Comfrey is used as an alternative remedy for closed wounds, as well as burn injuries. It can be ingested in the form of supplements, or it can be incorporated into different burn lotions, salves, and ointments.
How much to use?
About 2 grams of any lotion or ointment, which contains 35% comfrey root extract is to be applied on the surface of the afflicted area daily for three weeks. You can also use 3.5 grams of a specific cream which contains comfrey extract along with tannic acid, aloe vera gel, and essential oils and apply it topically to the affected area continuously for 6-12 weeks.
2. St. John’s Wort
St. John’s wort since times immemorial has been used as a folk remedy for topical application for burn wounds. It has a long history of having been used as a medicine, dating back to ancient Greece, where the herb was used for treating illnesses, wounds, and nerve disorders. St. John’s wort has immense antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral properties. Its anti-inflammatory properties help allay the severity of wounds and burns. It can also be used as a pain reliever.
How to use?
Since St. John’s Wort is available in many forms, it can be ingested as a supplement, or you can also take the extract of its roots and incorporate it into a lotion or ointment and apply it topically to the afflicted area.
How much to use?
There are a variety of forms that you can take St. John’s Wort to treat burn injuries. They are:
- Dry herb: 35% of St. John’s Wort’s root extract in 2 grams of lotion to be applied topically on the burn-affected area.
- Liquid extract: Since liquid extracts are highly concentrated, please consult a medical practitioner for the right dose.
3. Calendula

Calendula has been known to be native to Egypt since the early 12th century. The extracts and tinctures of the plant are commonly used to treat burns, promote healing, and reduce inflammation. Because of their pungent smell, they are also used as a pesticide to repel insects.
How to use?
Calendula is available in many forms. However, tinctures and extracts of the plant are most commonly used. You can also prepare a mixture by boiling it in water and then applying it on the affected area.
How much to use?
Make a preparation by boiling 5 to 10 mL of the herb in 1 cup of water for no more than 10 minutes. Take a cloth and soak it in the mixture. After that, pat the cloth on the afflicted area of the skin.
Do’s & Don’ts
Here are some common do(s) and don’t(s) to mitigate the effects of burns:
Do(s) | Don’t(s) |
Treat minor and first-degree burns with antibiotics and cover the afflicted area loosely with gauze. | Don’t touch or fiddle with serious burns. Cover them with something dry and seek immediate medical assistance. |
Place your hand under tap water or room-temperature water to stop the burning process immediately. | Don’t use very cold water or ice to treat a burn. It can aggravate the damage. |
Seek immediate care for second and third-degree burns. These should not be tended to at home because they require medical techniques for proper treatment and can result in the victim’s death if not treated properly. | Don’t burst your blisters. It increases the risk of infection, which is already high as a result of a burn. Signs include oozing from the wound, growth of the burn, discolouration, and fever. |
Do away with any burnt piece of clothing or something that has been soaked with hot fluid or chemicals. | Don’t try to remove any burned piece of clothing that is stuck to the body. |
In the event of a major burn, cover the burned area with a clean, dry cloth after it has cooled down. | Don’t apply jellies, ointments, butter, or first aid creams to the wound. |
Seek immediate medical care if the burn is brown, black, red, pink, or white; or if it appears dry, charred, or leathery. | Don’t assume the severity of the injury to be minor. Always take preventative measures. |
1. What are the different kinds of burns?
There are three different kinds of burns, namely first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns. These are marked in the ascending order of their severity.
- First-degree burns: These are the least severe and simplest type of burn injuries as they only affect the epidermis. Common symptoms include the skin turning red and warm, and feeling pain. However, it does not result in blisters or open areas, and these can heal on their own. Recommended methods to heal these burns are soaking the affected area in cool water and covering it with a clean cloth.
- Second-degree burns: These are more severe since they affect both the epidermis and the dermis. The afflicted area can turn pink or red, become moist, and develop blisters. If the burn injury isn’t too deep, it can heal by itself. However, if the injury is deep, skin grafting could be required in cases where:
- The injury is taking a long time to heal.
- There is severe scarring.
- The wound reopens.
- Third-degree burns: These are the most severe types of burns as they damage the outer and inner layers of the skin. The wound may appear charred or leathery. Extremely small third-degree burns can heal on their own, but it takes a very long time. Any third-degree burn which covers more than fifty percent of the afflicted area should be grafted, or it will not heal.
2. How long does it take for the burn to declare itself?
After the burn has occurred, it can take anywhere from 48-72 hours for the burning process to run its course. After 72 hours, when the process is complete, treatment options can be decided accordingly.
3: How long do burns take to heal?
It can take anywhere from one to three years for burns to heal if scar tissue develops. If you notice that heavy scars are diminishing in their appearance, or when the pink colour starts fading (generally around 6-12 months), that is when healing is complete.
4. What should I do after my skin has healed?
After the wound has completed healing, you should moisturise it daily, and whenever you feel the skin has begun to dry. This will mitigate the itching during the healing process. You can use unscented, dye-free lotions for this purpose. Always keep in mind that newly healed skin is fragile and is very susceptible to injury.
5. Why are there open areas and blisters on my burn site?
When an injury first heals, the epidermis is not as tightly attached to the deeper layers of the skin. As newly formed skin is very delicate, open areas and blisters can be very common. You can also very easily lose skin graft as a result of fluid build-up underneath it. Because grafted skin isn’t as thick as normal skin, it can open easily.
6. How does a mature burn wound look like?
A mature wound is one where the bright pink colour has regressed to a lighter colour, and the skin starts feeling normal again. This process often the better part of a year.
7. Why is there an itching sensation, and what can I do to stop it?
The itching sensation felt by burn victims is a tingling sensation that is caused as nerves regrow, or results from the dry skin caused by lack of natural oil production. Here are a few things that can help you with your itch:
- Apply a moisturiser to your wound four to six times a day.
- Avoid partaking in any activity which could make you perspire.
- Ask doctors for anti-itching medications.
8. What kind of diet regimen should I have?
As patients suffering from burn injuries have an increased metabolic rate, they require a diet rich in calories and proteins. Additionally, patients should also check their calorie count, and if it is inadequate, the patient should consider taking nutritional supplements.
A burn is a very nasty injury, and it can happen to anyone. However, with so many rampant cases of burns and burn-related injuries, what’s surprising to note is that even today the awareness of it is quite low and people don’t necessarily consider it as a grave enough injury as compared to other major diseases.
It is only by maintaining personal hygiene, ensuring healthy sanitary practices, and employing certain lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet regimen, high water intake, exercising regularly, and administering home remedies, among others can you see a noticeable decline in burn-related symptoms and effects. Burns is a very serious condition and should not be treated lightly at all. You should always ensure to take proper care of your body and conduct the aforementioned safe practices to facilitate the healing process so that you can lead a normal life post-surgery.
However, on the off chance that none of the above mentioned remedial measures and lifestyle changes doesn’t seem to be working for you, you are advised to immediately consult an expert to know about what you should do next.