How to Treat Bronchitis Naturally?
Bronchitis or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an aggravation in the lungs or a result of the swelling of the bronchial cylinders (bronchi), the air passage between the mouth, nose, and lungs.
It can arise out of minor illness such as a viral illness, like the common cold or be the effect of a chronic condition like smoking. It can likewise be caused by many factors like subjection to chemicals, smoke, or microorganisms.
People suffering from bronchitis have a diminished capacity to inhale air and oxygen. Additionally, the symptoms include a sore throat, body aches, chills, a runny nose, and an inability to get rid of mucus from the nasal passage. There are two principal kinds of bronchitis: acute and chronic.
It’s distinguished by shortness of breath, fatigue, and wheezing, with other symptoms developing gradually. COPD is a leading source of death in the United States of America and affects 16 million Americans and millions of others worldwide.
It has been estimated that more than 65 million individuals around the globe have moderate or extreme COPD, and experts think that this number will keep on rising through the next 50 years.
In 2016, more than 8.9 million Americans(1) were found to have chronic bronchitis, of which 5.9 million were ladies, and almost 75 percent of cases(2) included individuals beyond 45 years old.
There have been a few noticeable differences among races as well as the above figures also said that non-Hispanic whites and African Americans were more liable to have been afflicted with chronic bronchitis.
Even though there’s no immediate cure for COPD available, it’s still treatable. With legitimate administration, a great many people suffering from COPD can alleviate its effects considerably, and also decrease the likelihood and the degree of contacting other related conditions, including coronary illness and lung disease. Naturally, it makes sense to understand how to get rid of bronchitis through natural remedial measures that offer a sustainable solution. Let’s jump right in.
Table of Contents
Did You Know!
How to Get Rid of Bronchitis Using Natural Remedies
- Essential Oils
- Foods
- Home Remedies
- Lifestyle Changes
- Supplements
- Herbal Remedies
CURE 1: Essential Oils for Bronchitis
While you may question the credibility of essential oils when we talk about natural remedies for Bronchitis, essential oils have been found to have inherent properties that have antimicrobial effects and help ward off microbes that can cause it in the first place.
Here, we will explain precisely how you can use natural oils to alleviate your woes. Keep in mind that different essential oils serve a distinctive purpose, so make sure to why you want to use the essential oil in question and for what reason.
1. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is widely known for being able to treat cough and related respiratory disorders like pharyngitis and sinusitis. It is a known fact that numerous items in pharmacies have eucalyptus oil as a primary ingredient.
A study(3) conducted on Eucalyptus grandis also depicted immune-enhancing effects along with an increased ability to fight microscopic organisms.
Why does this work?
There have been numerous studies(4) which have pointed to the fact that a positive interaction between E. camaldulensis essential oil (a tree in the Eucalyptus family) and existing antibiotics can improve the efficacy of new treatment methodologies for specific respiratory diseases.
The critical component of eucalyptus oil is 1,8-cineole (popularly known as cineole and eucalyptol), which imparts the oil its characteristic and sharp smell. Eucalyptol is also known to have stable antibacterial and antiviral properties.
How to use and how much to use?
Consume little portions of eucalyptus oil (0.05 to 0.2 milliliters daily). Consult a medical practitioner on the required dosage for it. Always remember to dilute the oil in warm water before consuming it in any form as high doses of the oil have proven to be fatal.
To create a mixture, heat one to two teaspoons of the leaves in some water and let the water soak it for 10 minutes. You can ingest up to two cups of this mixture every day. To make a balm, add a couple of drops to petroleum jelly and apply a thick layer of it thrice a day.
If you wish to make an inhalant, add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and breathe in the steam vapor for five to 10 minutes and take care not to consume any.
You can also utilize eucalyptus oil during a hot shower. Add a few drops of the oil to your shower water just before entering. You can also add a few drops of the essential oil onto a wet washcloth, and as the water of the shower warms the washcloth and the vaporized oil is discharged, you can bask in it.
2. Rosemary Oil
The crisp, pine-like fragrance of Rosemary essential oil makes it ideal for dissemination and other inward breathing courses when you have bronchitis. It opens up the airway and battles microorganisms. Rosemary essential oil should be on your treatment measures list for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma.
Why does this work?
Rosemary is a typical greenhouse herb. Being an oil with a high phenol content, it also has antiseptic properties. Like eucalyptus, it contains the compound cineole that has mucolytic, bronchodilating, and calming properties, and it lessens the rate of exacerbation of COPD, along with alleviating symptoms in patients experiencing asthma and rhinosinusitis.
How to use and how much to use?
Rosemary oil can ease the muscles in your trachea and give you respiratory relief. To use Rosemary oil, blend it with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin. You can also make Rosemary essential oil diffuser by including a few drops of the oil to your nebulizing diffuser and inhaling it. To make a balm, add around 15 drops of Rosemary oil to an ounce of any carrier oil, like almond oil or coconut oil, and apply it topically onto the chest just before bed. This leads to a superior night’s rest and opens up your nasal passage.
Another effective treatment is to prepare a bowl of boiling water and add 8 to 10 drops of Rosemary oil. Place a towel over your head and around the bowl so that the steam directly rises to your face and can’t escape beyond the towel.
3. Tea Tree Oil
You may realize tea tree essential oil as Melaleuca, an expectorant with antibacterial and antiviral properties, which make it an excellent option for the treatment of both viral and bacterial bronchitis. The vapors from tea tree oil help especially in clog alleviation, clearing aviation routes, and calming the muscles of the trachea.
Why does this work?
Tea tree oil is mostly renowned for its antimicrobial properties. It battles yeast, growths, and microorganisms, even those that might be insusceptible to general antibiotics. It diminishes aggravation of the bronchial cylinders, so it is ideal for bronchitis.
Tea tree essential oil is known to have stable antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It can help repress the infection that causes COPD. It also has stable mitigating properties that help to loosen up the swollen nasal passage and break up the mucus holding them.
How to use and how much to use?
Add a couple of drops on a towel or cloth and hold it close to your nose and mouth, and breathe in gradually and delicately to clear up your nasal passage. You can also add 10-15 drops to a steam vaporizer, tent a towel over your head, and gradually breathe in the steam for around 10 minutes on end.
To create an ointment, blend ½ cup liquefied coconut oil with 10 drops each of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil. Store it in the fridge until it is ready to use. Use it as you would a conventional vapor rub.
Also Read: Amazing Benefits and Uses of Tea Tree Oil
CURE 2: Foods for Bronchitis
If you’re pondering over how to get rid of bronchitis and which foods may help you do so, you’ve come to the right place. The following foods for bronchitis don’t go to “waist” (pun intended). We all know that starving oneself only pushes the body into “fat-storing” mode, so our suggestion is to engage in smart eating.
Picking the right food will not only help with hunger cravings but also boost your metabolism and help you lose weight! So now, you can eat your way into a slimmer you!
1. Garlic for Bronchitis
You may not like the smell, but you certainly can’t ignore its health benefits. When it comes to alleviating COPD woes, garlic is a gift from God.
Why does it work?
There is enough evidence that suggests that garlic gets rid of bad, inflammation-causing bacteria instead of the good bacteria. Plus, it is also rich in Allicin, the compound that gives garlic its capable antiviral, antibacterial properties.
How to use and how much to use?
For best results, pulverize or chop natural garlic and blend it to make a coarse paste. Swallow the blend. Do it twice a day until the side effects start wearing down.
2. Spicy Foods for Bronchitis

If you are someone who relishes spicy food, the remedy to your phlegmy airway and blockage may be stowed away in your kitchen.
Why does it work?
Hot bean stew peppers contain capsaicin, which helps in easing congestion by dispersing the mucus.
How to use and how much to use?
There are a variety of ways you can intake spicy foods. You can include a touch of cayenne pepper to your tea. There is no specific limit on how much spicy food you can eat, so only eat as much as you would like to. Apart from the above-mentioned benefits of spicy foods, they also help to boost the blood flow.
3. Onion for Bronchitis
Just like garlic, onion is also frowned upon for its pungent taste and sharp smell. However, it is a known fact that onions are perfect for treating bronchitis.
Why does it work?
Onion has amazing antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is a natural antibiotic as well and is very effective in thinning the mucus in your respiratory tract.
How to use and how much to use?
Chop up onions and blend them with honey. For included advantage, blend in cayenne pepper and oregano oil for bronchitis as well. Swallow the mixture, don’t chew it. Take it twice daily for maximum benefits.
4. Apples for Bronchitis

Apples additionally contain quercetin, which is a flavonoid found in many fruits and which are known to diminish the side effects of sinusitis. Other fruits containing the same component include blueberries, cranberries, and strawberries.
Why does it work?
Brimming with nutrients and phytochemicals that generally improve lung health, apples are a godsend. Buy natural apples and eat its skin also as it is the place where the most healthy flavonoids are found.
How to use and how much to use?
There are a variety of ways of consuming an apple. You can eat it as it is. You can also make apple juice. To do this, take a whole apple, remove its stems, and mix it with honey in a blender. Don’t discard the pulp as that is where the meat lies.
Also Read: Top Healthiest Fruits for Health and Skin
5. Probiotics for Bronchitis
Packed to bursting with beneficial bacteria, probiotic foods are known to decrease aggravation. Sufficient intake of probiotics (gut greenery) is imperative for your general well-being and contributes to a robust immune system.
Why does it work?
Probiotics appear to lessen allergic reactions, and, for specific individuals, bronchitis is triggered by such sensitivities.
How to use and how much to use?
There is no cap on how much of it you should consume. Intake of supplements and non-dairy homemade a coconut-nut yogurt smoothie can work wonders. Stay away from dairy items as they contribute to the production of mucus.
CURE 3: Home Remedies For Bronchitis
Though there is no defined cure for bronchitis, its side-effects can certainly be assuaged with the help of home remedies. Many of these measures have added health benefits apart from serving their primary purpose of alleviating bronchitis and its related effects.
1. Raw Honey and Cinnamon For Bronchitis

Have you ever deliberated over why is honey for bronchitis such an integral part of remedial measures for respiratory diseases. It is because raw honey has essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that can treat bronchitis and heal your body from the inside out.
Why does it work?
This alkaline-forming food calms your immune system, lessens inflammation, and prevents allergies that can contribute to bronchitis.
How to consume it?
You can add cinnamon to raw honey to turn the mixture into a robust anti-inflammatory bronchitis and allergy treatment. By mixing these ingredients, you can meliorate your immune system and prevents the onset of cold and flu viruses.
2. Ginger For Bronchitis
There is corroborating evidence(5) that states ginger has anti-inflammatory effects when it comes to treating respiratory infections.
Why does it work?
The ginger plant is rich in natural chemicals that can promote your health and wellness. Apart from its anti-inflammatory properties, its antioxidants also help you to mitigate heart diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and symptoms of aging.
How often should you consume it?
You can consume ginger in any form, such as ingesting a clove of it early in the morning. You can also make ginger water, chew crystallized ginger, use it to make tea for bronchitis, eat it raw, or add it to your food.
3. Turmeric For Bronchitis

Turmeric is a spice which finds heavy use in Indian foods. A study (6) pointed out that turmeric contained more anti-inflammatory properties than ginger. It is also known to enhance antioxidant activity.
Why does it work?
Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Its versatility lends to expanding the scope of its functions.
How often should you consume it?
You can consume turmeric as you have up until this point. However, there a few proven measures that shouldn’t go amiss. You can add fresh turmeric to salads or use it to make pickles. Or you can mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric in powdered form along with 1 teaspoon of honey and create a paste. Ingest the paste 1 to 3 times a day while symptoms last.
4. Steam For Bronchitis
This one’s a no-brainer. Steam helps in easing up the congestion in your lungs by breaking up the mucus so that you can release it quickly. The easiest way to use steam is in the bath or shower.
Why does it work?
The heat of the steam helps ease any tensed up muscles that may be so as a result of coughing. You can go to a steam room at a gym or spa if there are any such amenities available. However, remember not to take a hot bath if you feel short of breath.
How much to consume?
The easiest way to bask in steam is in the shower or the bathroom. Turn your shower heater as high as you can handle and breathe deeply through your nose. Another practice involves pouring hot water in a large utensil and covering your head and the bowl with a towel so that your face rests at a comfortable distance from the bowl as you inhale the steam.
You can also add essential oils or mentholated vapor rub to the hot water to help with decongestion of the mucus. However, this method can be dangerous if the water is warmer than what you intended it to be, and it could cause the steam to burn your airway.
CURE 4: Lifestyle Changes For Bronchitis
If you have thought that you can cure bronchitis by making no lifestyle changes, you’re thoroughly wrong and will never experience real results. Bronchitis is a serious condition which can also turn chronic if you don’t pay heed to your body. For those wondering what to do for bronchitis, here are a few lifestyle tips you can espouse in your quest to mitigate COPD and its related effects and keep them from coming.
1. Quit Smoking

Bronchitis from smoking is the primary source of chronic bronchitis. Giving up on smoking and keeping your distance from it can improve an individual’s quality of life. Regularly smoking harms the bronchial cylinders and exacerbates the condition of the body’s defense system.
Breathing in smoke can also trigger regular bouts of coughing if an individual has bronchitis. Stopping smoking altogether or limiting harm to the bronchial cylinders can help patients with quicker recuperation.
An individual who gives up smoking is less likely to get bronchitis later on. Individuals ought to likewise avoid different irritants that may trigger bronchitis, for example, dust, chemicals, and air contaminants.
Also Read: Smoking During Pregnancy
2. Follow a Healthy Diet Regimen
To ease the side effects of bronchitis and deal with its condition, you can make subtle lifestyle changes in the form of introducing a healthy diet regimen.
An empowering diet comprises of natural products, vegetables, and entire grains, just as it also contains lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. It should have a healthy composition of no-fat or low-fat dairy items.
Having a fortifying eating regimen keeps an individual insusceptible to most diseases. Not eating healthy can cause a person’s immune system to get deteriorated over time.
This is brought about by a deficiency of vital macronutrients and micronutrients.
3. Avoiding Over-the-Counter Cough Suppressants
There are two principal types of over-the-counter coughing drugs:
- Cough suppressants, which diminish it by curbing the coughing reflex.
- Cough expectorants, which help in thinning the mucus arising from a wet cough and lubricate the respiratory tract.
It isn’t wise for individuals to use cough suppressants for a cough that produces mucus. When the covering of the bronchial tubes is disturbed by irritants, excess fluid is formed, causing incessant coughing. Coughing up the mucus expels the irritants from the lungs and nasal passage. There is little proof to propose that cough medications are any more powerful than home remedies for bronchitis.
4. Use a Humidifier for bronchitis

Humidifiers increase the moisture levels of a room by discharging water vapor or steam. Low humidity and cooler temperatures have been associated with an increase in respiratory tract diseases.
Low moistness can likewise bother nasal sections and the throat, that causes irritated eyes and dry skin. Breathing in warm and humidified air can help you release mucus if you were to use a humidifier.
Individuals utilizing a humidifier should ensure that the unit is appropriately taken care of and the humidity levels are supervised. Also, remember that dirty or bad humidifiers are a seedbed for bacteria and too high a moisture level can cause respiratory issues like allergies and asthma.
People who don’t own a humidifier can disperse water in the air by boiling it on the stove. They can also add a couple of drops of essential oils and rest their head over the bowl or dish of bubbling water for a couple of minutes to soothe any irritations.
5. Drink Plenty of Fluids
Bronchitis is a lower respiratory tract disease of the nasal passage and lungs. One popular piece of advice by medical practitioners to individuals with respiratory diseases is to increase their water intake. Individuals with bronchitis have dehydration because of growing fluid loss as a result of fever, runny nose, retching, and loose bowels. Lack of hydration can also cause unsteadiness, giddiness, and headaches. Drinking enough liquid with bronchitis can help:
- Reduce dehydration.
- Decrease mucus build-up.
- Release nasal mucus.
- Soothe the throat.
CURE 5: Supplements for Bronchitis
Because of a frantic lifestyle and an ill-advised eating schedule, we are deprived of a host of important and beneficial nutrients.
Supplements can help replenish our system with those nutrients and result in the betterment of our immune system, subsequently helping our body ward off bacteria and promoting general well-being. If you have been wondering what to take for bronchitis, or more precisely which supplements to take for bronchitis, we’ve listed them here.
1. Glutathione
Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps in the creation and building of proteins in the body and also has a variety of health benefits.
Why does it work?
Being an antioxidant, Glutathione can avoid damage to our body’s critical cellular components caused by species like free radicals, peroxides, and lipid peroxides. Studies suggest that it is necessary to help the body fight illnesses(7).
How to consume?
You can consume Glutathione orally in the form of a tablet, or you can also inhale it for treating lung diseases other than bronchitis.
How much to use?
A daily dosage of 250–600 mg daily is recommended. However, the form of administration and the dosage will differ.
2. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
This is an amino acid derivative. It helps treat chronic bronchitis, as it increases the level of glutathione in the body.
Why does it work?
This supplement is an upgraded version of the amino acid cysteine. It is known to reduce both the recurrence and degree of coughing. NAC can also thin the mucus in the bronchi, enabling it to be disposed of from the body more effectively.
How to use?
You can ingest capsules of N-acetylcysteine after consulting a doctor.
How much to consume?
For chronic bronchitis or COPD, it is proposed that individuals should consume 1,200 milligrams (mg) of it every day. Those having bronchitis without an airway obstruction can consume 600 mg every day. However, the dosage will vary from person to person, and it is advisable to consult with a medical practitioner first.
3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C, since time immemorial, has been one of the most popular remedial measures for flu and colds, but it can also be beneficial in treating bronchitis.
Why does it work?
Studies have pointed out that vitamin C is useful against viral and bacterial infections as it avoids, lessens, and mitigates infections. In one study(8), a high dosage of vitamin C prevented the onset of and relieved the symptoms of cold and flu.
How to use?
It can be taken as a supplement, or you can have various citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, oranges, sweet lime, etc.
How much to use?
There is no cap on how many citrus fruits you can consume. When it comes to supplements, however, studies found out that high doses of vitamin C of the order of 3000 mg daily in 3 doses were enough to prevent the outbreak of flu.
CURE 6: Herbal Remedies For Bronchitis
For some people, herbal remedies are a blessing, while a few skeptical other doubt its credibility. It is only with a regulated and consistent practice that consuming the right herbs can cure aggressive lung disorders like bronchitis.
If you’ve been wondering about how to get rid of bronchitis with the help of herbal remedies, here are four of the most effective ones that can help you alleviate the severity of the symptoms quicker.
1. Echinacea
Triphala is a wonder herb that promotes the secretion of a hormone signaling to the brain that your stomach is full. It also aids in rejuvenation and detoxification.
Why does it work?
Echinacea helps strengthen the immune and the defense of the body and wards off bacteria and viruses.
How to use?
You can either consume dry powdered extract or liquid extract tinctures of the herb.
How much to use?
The recommended dosage for bronchitis is about 500 milligrams of Echinacea four times a day. The dosage varies from person to person and on the type of bronchitis too. Consult your doctor for the prescribed dosage before starting.
2. Astragalus

Astragalus herbs have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen the immune system in addition to preventing viral and bacterial infections by boosting the immune system.
Why does it work?
Astragalus’ anti-inflammatory properties ease the congestion in your throat and thin the mucus allowing for natural expulsion of it.
How to use?
The root of the astragalus plant is converted into various forms such as liquid extracts, powdered extracts, capsules, teas, supplements, etc.
How much to use?
The recommended dosage for bronchitis is about 500 milligrams of Astragalus four times a day. However, please consult your doctor to know your personalized dosage.
3. Ginseng
Ginseng is a well-known herbal medicine, and it is derived from the roots of many slow-growing perennial plants.
Why does it work?
Ginseng is known to possess anti-inflammatory features, which help it curb inflammation in the bronchi.
How to use?
You can either consume crude preparations of dried root powder or have it in the form of capsules.
How much to use?
It has been found that an equivalent dose of 6g/person of ginseng extracts are effective in alleviating bronchitis symptoms. However, the right dosage should only be decided after consulting a doctor.
Do(s) & Don’t(s) for Alleviating Bronchitis Symptoms
Here are some common do(s) and don’t(s) to prevent the onset of bronchitis:
Do(s) |
Don’t(s) |
Maintain and follow a healthy diet regimen comprising of natural products, vegetables, and entire grains, just as it also contains lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. It should have a healthy composition of no-fat or low-fat dairy items. | Don’t take over-the-counter cough suppressants. |
Try to exercise regularly. Exercise is integral to the healing procedure of bronchitis patients. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. | Don’t stop your treatment if you feel the symptoms have alleviated or if the coughing fits aren’t regular. |
Focus on maintaining a healthy weight so that a healthy BMI is maintained. | Don’t forget your inhaler anywhere as you can never be too sure when you might need it. |
Increase your water intake manifold. Opt for home remedies that require inordinate consumption of water. | Don’t expose yourself to irritants, smoke, and pollutants. |
Espouse a long-term and holistic lifestyle for real results. | Don’t panic if you feel short of breath. Stay calm and do breathing exercises until it subsides. |
Always use a humidifier to do away with the dryness in the air which can dry out the tissues in the bronchial tubes. | Don’t smoke. Smoking is the single most significant contributor to COPD. Consult your doctor about this if you feel it tough to give up on smoking. |
If you wish to be completely free from the irritating ailment that bronchitis is, only searching for “natural remedies for bronchitis,” or “how to treat bronchitis” will seem like a lost cause unless you adopt a holistic approach to counter it from Day 1.
Only by maintaining a healthy diet regimen, employing specific lifestyle changes, such as, quitting smoking, drinking fluids, exercising regularly, ministering home remedies, and deriving the benefits of natural products can you expect to see positive changes in your life.
Bronchitis is a serious matter and can turn into a debilitating condition if you try to circumvent your way around what’s prescribed to you. It is advisable always to be mindful of your responsibilities towards your body and continue to conduct the above-mentioned practices accordingly.
In the unlikely scenario that the aforementioned remedial measures and lifestyle changes seem to be doing no good for you, please consult a medical practitioner to gain enlightenment about the possible next steps to take. Put yourself through the grind, obey your doctor, and ensure that all the regulations to lead a healthy life are followed by you and come out with flying colors.
1. What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is a respiratory disorder characterized by inflammation of the air passages within the lungs. This condition is given rise to when the trachea and the large and small bronchi in the lungs are inflamed as the result of an infection or aggravation from different causes.
People who are afflicted with bronchitis often develop a cough with mucus. Mucus is a slimy substance that exists on the lining of the bronchial tubes. It can also result in wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
2. What are the two types of bronchitis?
Acute and chronic bronchitis are the two main types of bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis can last up to 10 days at the maximum and can happen to anyone. Bronchitis in kids is a typical case of it. But, the bouts of coughing can persist for several weeks to come after the infection has subsided.
Chronic bronchitis is bronchitis that extends beyond 3 months and is a severe condition. It adversely affects the lining of the bronchi, as it turns up always irritated and inflamed, causing long-term coughing fits.
3. Are bacteria, viruses, and chemicals the leading cause of acute bronchitis?
Yes, bronchitis with fever or as a result of it is the most frequent causes of acute bronchitis. Fungi, bacteria, and chemicals irritants can also cause acute bronchitis.
4. What is usually the cause of chronic bronchitis?
More often than not, smoking cigarettes is usually the leading cause of developing chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis is characterized by fits of regular coughing with the production of sputum for at least 3 months. The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is usually made after basing it on medical reports of a long-winded and persistent coughing fit often linked with tobacco consumption and abuse.
5. Is bronchitis contagious?
Yes, bronchitis can be contagious sometimes.
- If the reason for bronchitis is bacterial or viral, it can be easily contracted.
- If the reason for bronchitis is a result of smoking and air pollution, then it is not contagious.
6. How important is water intake for bronchitis?
It is imperative that people suffering from bronchitis have a high water intake. Being adequately hydrated leads to secretions in the bronchi to be more liquidy and thus easier to discharge.
7. Is acute bronchitis always, or in most cases, a chest cold?
Yes. When a person has a cold, it can often turn into bronchitis, which is referred to as chest cold. If the coughing continues long after the cold has gone away, see a doctor.
8. Can bronchitis be prevented in people?
Yes, you can avoid contracting bronchitis at all if you:
- Give up smoking
- Keep your distance from things that trouble your nose, throat, and lungs
- Listen to your doctor’s advice
- Have a healthy diet regimen
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Avoid over-the-counter cough suppressants
- Sleep well