How to Get Rid of Moles With the Help of Natural Treatments
Moles are very common skin growths that most people have on their bodies. They are basically a group of skin cells, called melanocytes, that are not evenly spread on the skin, leading to a bumpy surface. Moles exposed to sunlight could change colour and turn darker due to exposure to UV rays.
Most times moles are not dangerous or health risk, although in some cases a mole could be an indicator of skin cancer. If a particular mole on your body changes shape, size or colour with time, it might be wise to seek medical advice.
If not, you have a regular mole that is not medically dangerous. That being said, it is advisable always first to get a mole on your body checked and tested by a physician before you go forward with any type of mole removal procedure.
Table of Contents
How to Get Rid of Moles: Natural Remedies
- Home Remedies
- Essential Oils
- Herbs
Although not harmful, a mole can be a hindrance. You might find it bothersome if it is on your face, or on parts of the body that rub against clothes. In such cases, you can get rid of moles right at home with some simple and safe remedies. It is not wise to cut or scratch a mole at home, as it could lead to scarring or infection. This is why we have listed out 13 safe remedies you can use to get rid of moles:
CURE 1: Home Remedies for Moles
There are quite a few household items you can use to get rid of moles.
1. Honey

Why use?
Honey is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Honey is often used topically to easy abrasions or inflamed skin conditions.
How to use?
Clean the surface of the mole and surrounding skin with clean water and soap, and let it dry. Rub a few drops (sufficient enough to cover the mole) of honey which is at room temperature directly to the mole and let it dry. You can put a band-aid or gauze to cover it if there are chances of it rubbing against your clothes.
Another effective method is to mix flaxseed oil and honey in equal parts to form a paste and apply it to the mole, making sure to cover it entirely.
How much to use?
As much as needed to cover the entire surface of the mole. Leave it on for one hour a day, once a day until the mole is gone.
2. Banana Peels
Why use?
A banana peel contains oxalic acid and ascorbic acid, which are two among other natural enzymes and acids that can help get rid of unwanted moles. A banana peel also acts as a natural moisturizer, keeping the skin around the mole moisturized(1).
How to use?
Take a piece of banana peel and place it on the mole, with the inside of the peel facing your skin. The peel should cover the mole entirely, Use a piece of skin-friendly tape (like medical tape) to secure the peel and leave it overnight.
How much to use?
A piece large enough to cover the mole, left overnight every night until the mole is gone.
Also Read: Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Banana Peel
3. Potatoes
Why use?
Potatoes contain bleaching compounds that can help lighten the colour of the mole, and in some cases get rid of the mole entirely. It’s a safe method, and the bleaching effect tends to render the mole undetectable.
How to use?
Cut out a piece of potato and rub the inner part over the mole. Let the juice of the potato sit and dry over the mole.
Another method is to cut and place the piece of potato over the mole, the inner part facing the skin, and bandage it. Leave this on for a few days. As the potato piece decomposes, it gets rid of the mole.
How much to use?
Rub the inner part of the potato over the mole and let the juice sit for one or two minutes. Wash off with clean water and soap.
4. Lemon Juice

Why use?
Similar to the potato, lemon juice has bleaching compounds and astringent properties too. Applying lemon juice will lighten the mole and make it fade away, making it undetectable.
How to use?
Dip a swab of cotton in lemon juice and place it on the mole, covering it entirely. Add a piece of skin-friendly tape, like medical tape, and secure the cotton swab in place. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
How much to use?
Follow this method for 20 minutes, two times a day every day until the mole is not visible.
5. Aloe Vera
Why use?
Aloe Vera has been used to ease and cure skin ailments for decades. Aloe vera gel contains vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, enzymes, and tannins that help heal and restore the natural health of skin it is applied on.
It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help soothe skin rashes, irritations, and burns. It is believed that the prolonged application of aloe vera gel to moles can help in removing them.
How to use?
Clean the surface of the mole and surrounding skin with clean water and soap. Apply aloe vera gel and let it dry. Let it sit for two to three hours then wash off with clean water.
How much to use?
Apply the gel for 2-3 hours, two times a day every day until the mole fades.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Why use?
The acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar can help dry the mole and cause it to scab, eventually getting rid of it. Using apple cider vinegar may leave a light scar.
How to use?
Dip a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and place it on the mole, covering it entirely. Tape it in place with a band-aid or medical tape. Leave it on for 5-6 hours, then remove the cotton swab and clean the area with clean water and soap.
How much to use?
Enough cotton and apple cider vinegar to cover the entire mole left on for 5-6 hours a day, once every day until the mole starts to scab and then disappears.
7. Pineapple Juice
Why use?
Pineapple juice contains a good amount of citric acid, the enzymes in which help clear dead cells and impurities on the skin. Pineapple juice, specifically the citric acid in it, can help lighten the mole and eventually get rid of it. It also helps get rid of pigmentation that causes moles to occur and grow.
How to use?
Cut a piece of pineapple and rub the juice over the mole and let it sit for a few minutes (5-10). Wash it off with clean water.
Alternatively, you can dip a cotton swab in pineapple juice and place it over the mole, securing it with a band-aid or medical tape. Leave it on for a few minutes then remove it wash the surface with clean water.
How much to use?
Enough juice to cover the mole left on for a few minutes. You can repeat this 2-3 times a day.
Also Read: 8 Best Juice Recipes for Fast Weight Loss
8. Turmeric

Why use?
Turmeric has incredible healing properties and is often used, both topically and orally, to cure ailments. It helps get rid of pigmentation and can also help control the production of melanin, cells that cause moles. You can also use turmeric along with other mole removal remedies, as turmeric ends healing properties to the damaged skin.
How to use?
It’s best to use turmeric along with a vitamin C tablet. The vitamin C tablet helps get rid of the mole, and the turmeric helps with the healing of the skin. Crush a vitamin C tablet, mix it with equal parts of turmeric, add honey to make a paste and apply it to the mole. Let it sit for 20 minutes then wash off with clean water.
You can also make a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and enough turmeric to make a paste, and apply this paste over the mole. Let it sit for 20 minutes then wash off with clean water.
How much to use?
Either remedy should be applied for 20 minutes a day, two times every day until the mole is gone.
CURE 2: Essential oils for Moles
Essential oils are plant compounds often used in aromatherapy, and also as home remedies for ailments. Here are three essential oils that can help you get rid of moles:
1. Oregano Essential Oil
Why use?
Oregano essential oil has antibiotic, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties, and has been known to help with skin ailments like skin tags and warts. The Carvacrol in it gives it its antibacterial properties, Thymol gives it anti-fungal properties, and Rosmarinic acid gives it its antioxidant properties. Together, these qualities make oregano essential oil a wonderful skin remedy for moles. Oregano essential oil can help get rid of moles without leaving behind scars(2).
How to use?
Always use oregano essential oil with a carrier oil, in his case use castor oil. Mix 1-2 drops of oregano essential oil with 1-2 drops of castor oil and apply the mixture to the mole, covering the entire surface. You can let the mixture sit without needing to wash it off.
How much to use?
Use as much mixture as needed to cover the mole entirely. Apply this mixture 2-3 times a day, until the mole is gone.
2. Tea Tree Oil

Why use?
Tea Tree Oil is a well-known skin remedy because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used to get rid of warts and other skin abrasions. The astringent properties of tea tree oil are especially helpful in getting rid of moles. Remember never to consume tea tree oil as it is poisonous. It should only be applied topically.
How to use?
Clean the area with clean water and soap. Dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil and wipe it over the mole. Let it sit for as long as possible. You can repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.
How much to use?
Apply tea tree oil to the mole with a cotton swab and let it sit. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
3. Frankincense Essential Oil
Why use?
Frankincense essential oil has astringent compounds that help absorb oils from the skin and dry it. This property is found to help dry moles and get rid of them by scabbing. While using Frankincense essential oil, it is important to use a carrier oil like almond oil or coconut oil to dilute its effect on the skin.
How to use?
Mix 1-2 drops of frankincense essential oil with equal parts of carrier oil and apply it to the mole, covering it entirely. You can leave this on for as long as you like.
How much to use?
1-2 drops of frankincense essential oil mixed with equal parts of carrier oil applied 3-4 times a day, every day until the mole is gone.
CURE 3: Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are often the best ways to cure skin ailments because of their availability and effective nature.
1. Dandelion

Why use?
The root of the Dandelion plant is effective is healing multiple skin ailments. The sap in the stem and root purify the compounds that can help treat moles, and other skin ailments like pimples, skin sores, and even warts.
How to use?
Take a fresh root of the dandelion plant and crush it to extract its sap. Apply this liquid directly to the mole, covering it entirely. Let it sit for an hour, then rinse it off with clean water.
How much to use?
You can apply the dandelion root sap 2-3 times a day, every day.
2. Garlic
Why use?
Garlic has been used throughout the years for its health and medicinal properties. In the case of moles, the enzymes present in garlic can help break down cell clusters that cause moles, and cause them to spread out normally, thus getting rid of the mole and pigmentation.
How to use?
Crush one clove of garlic until it becomes a paste. Apply this paste to the mole and cover it with gauze or a bandage and let it sit overnight.
If you feel any burning sensation at all, or if you have sensitive skin, first apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the skin and then apply the crushed garlic paste to the mole.
Garlic will cause the mole to dry, remember to never touch the scab directly with your hands.
How much to use?
One garlic clove or more if needed, crushed and applied and left overnight. Do this every night for 2-3 weeks.
Get Rid of Moles on Your Body Easily, Without Surgery
Surgery can be painful and often leaves behind a scar. Although the methods mentioned in this article take time to help you get rid of moles, they are non-invasive and safe if practiced as mentioned.
Follow these steps to avoid getting moles in the future:
- Always use a sunscreen when there are chances of prolonged sun exposure
- Try to avoid staying out in the sun, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM, when sunlight is the harshest
- Exfoliate your skin regularly
- Monitor the condition of your skin and take special care to avoid dryness, flakiness, etc.
With regular care, you can get rid of moles and ensure they never return.
1. Are moles dangerous?
Moles are a collection of cells and are often not dangerous, but sometimes can be a sign of skin cancer. Visit a dermatologist to be sure. If not cancerous, moles are not harmful.
2. Is surgery a better option than home remedies?
For regular moles (non-cancerous) not necessarily, surgery can be painful and leave behind a scar. For regular moles, you can try home remedies that are non-invasive. It only requires a bit of patience.
3. I continue to get new moles, is it a sign of some illness?
Not necessarily. Some moles are present since birth and some crop up as you grow, and it is normal. It is best to get them tested, just to be sure.
4. If a mole changes colour, is it cancerous?
Not necessarily. Moles change colour if they are exposed to sunlight for a long duration. That being said, if a mole changes size, shape or colour, it is best to get it tested.